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Why the Funk Will Be Funky


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Congrats! You get to see me talk about funk, and not in the context of music.


Let's get something straight: numbers have been super screwy the past few seasons. And they're screwy again this season, though in the complete opposite direction, as we try to figure things out. Originally, we over in the Board of Gustav thought that it would be best to leave goaler attributes and update scales and all that good stuff as is, and hope that it would work out just fine and dandy with the skater stuff changing. Unfortunately, it hasn't worked out super fine and dandy--though I'd easily prefer the current state of affairs to the former one, there's no denying that goaler numbers are through the roof and that some sort of counter-adjustment will probably be necessary (especially in the VHLM, where a certain Art Vandelay happens to be tearing it up for Miami).


So, yes, we've seen vast improvements in goaler performance across the board (and vast drop-offs in scoring across the board), because of the changes that were made in the offseason. Which raises an important question.


If we only look at numbers and cast all other factors aside, the player who improves the most this season will very likely be a goaler. Does that player deserve to win the Dustin Funk (most improved) Trophy?


It's an interesting debate. If you say yes, your reasoning is likely based on the numbers. Someone jumping from the .900s to the .930s is pretty darn impressive and will certainly make sense 20 seasons from now on the portal. Besides, goalers have kind of been screwed over the past few seasons and it would be nice to symbolically mark the end of that (and show that the anti-meta efforts have paid off) with an award. But if your answer is no, you likely believe that goaler numbers have been artificially inflated in the same way as the skater numbers were. Also, you might be able to find a skater who's legitimately improved despite the meta changes, and that's pretty impressive too.


My answer is no. I don't think I feel comfortable burying any consideration of number inflation this season, unless there are truly no deserving skater candidates.


What do you think?

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Even with goalers showing big stat boosts, it's hard to picture Anze Miklavz @kelvi not getting this. He's going to smash everything he did in the meta era this season, and unless a goalie has a .950 save percentage and a GAA under 1, I think it's his to lose.

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There also always just the ability to look at relative improvement compared to the rest of the league, if a goalie was 3rd in GAA last season and is still 3rd in GAA but with it halved, that doesn't really mean he improved compared to the league. Just the league changed, same with skaters. If a guy was buried so far down the list for point we can't necessarily remember where he finished, and that same player is top 3 this season. Then yeah, he probably is the most improved. Seems like the easiest, least biased way to handle it to me in a season as different as this one.

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