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AK got drafted

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So the draft happened. Which I didn't attend to because I chose sleep. Could've been a trifecta of my most famous meme, but there was one problem...I had no picks to begin with. However, there was still an intrigue going around. About my player in particular. I had some idea where could I go, but there was nothing certain. I was mostly sure he will go mid to late first round, but where? First of all, I will name teams that did have some scouting on AK after my previous article.


Moscow was the first team that approached me. I feel like Spartan was having an interest on my defenseman from the get go, but thought it was a pipe dream since we're both GMing European teams. So he was having a surprise moment when I was not ruling Moscow out. At the end, he was made it known he is very interested in drafting the hoodie guy if he drops to any Moscow picks.


Then Toronto came. In that article I was putting them into the uncertain category. They had decent amount of younger defs, but neither of them seemed a big threat of my quest of putting big stats. We had a brief talk about my player, but that was about it after. Probably Doom wasn't really a fan of my answers I guess.


A day or two before the draft two more teams approached me. First off Prague. We had some time talking trades with Acyd and in one of them he mentioned AK. He had a plan on drafting a franchise D with one of his picks. The move that came to frution, except he drafted another defenseman. Oh well.

And the last team was Quebec...Vancouver. I'm not sure what exactly city the old-new GM Frank wants to represent lol. Anyways, this place was looking intriguing to me after Kowalski was traded out and I was mentioning it to him. Anyways, as we can see, AK92 went in the draft. Certainly lower than Dogwood Maple.


Like I said I wasn't attending the draft. I was hoping to check the draft stream in the morning first so I couldnt have spoilers, but apparently it was done via YT instead of Esso twitch. I had to dig it to the discord for searching the draft stream link, but my eyes went too much over the place to keep it a secret. Seeing the ping in the Moscow LR meant that I didn't even have to search for the link anymore cause why would even Spartan ping me if he didn't draft me. If only as a joke or something. So the only question was - 13th or 15th overall.


13th. Spartan was for sure so excited to have the hoodie man that he didn't even want to wait. He definitely knew I was the part of the only Moscow championship to this date so he is pulling this strategy. Let's see if this thing work. Though, there are still some questions left. I'm pretty much sure AK's rookie season is about to be trash cause Markinson is about to take most of them stats. What about after him? Powers is still there and Flynn too?? Though he is about to be double regressed at the time of the debut of Hoodie. To be honest, to have some interest in my player I need stats. Without them, I don't think I will have lots of fun and even my TPE earning rate may slow down cause the lack of interest in my player.


Time will tell what happens in the ELC period of AK. I can't predict what is going to happen in a month, two or in a year. I only can say that I want to max earn right now. Will it be doable? Shrug emoji.


That's it and I'm out.

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