Moderator MubbleFubbles 1,301 Posted June 27, 2022 Moderator Share Posted June 27, 2022 (edited) So basically for my, I couldn't think of what to write about so I went through the VHL rulebook and added notes of stuff that could use updating and/or removing. The red text is my own and that comes to over 150 words. Spoiler 1 - THE SALARY CAP 1.1 - Salary Cap Figure The VHL’s salary cap is a hard cap, however if a team exceeds the cap during the off-season the consequences (or lack thereof) are determined by the commissioners. At the conclusion of each season, the salary cap number for the next season will be determined by the commissioners. The cap number is subject to either positive or negative fluctuation or no change at all and the cap for the next season will be announced before the off-season prior to that season. Current cap ceiling: $40,000,000 Salary Cap is currently $42 Million 1.2 - Roster Minimum As of Season 58, the VHL has replaced the legacy Cap Floor with a new roster minimum of 6 players. All teams must have a minimum of 6 roster players prior to starting the season or face penalty. There is no requirement for a minimum overall salary expense but all TPE salary minimums and contract maximums for individual players continue to apply, as does the salary cap. At no point during the season can a team fall under the roster minimum as a result of a trade or any other type of transaction. This will be enforced strictly so to avoid having trades delayed (or voided completely in the case of deadline trades), GM's need to plan ahead and sign players prior to making those deals. 2 – CONTRACT STRUCTURERookie: A player in their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd season after being drafted (considered as entry-level period). Prime: A player in their 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9th season after being drafted. 2.1 – Contract Parameters The VHL has two general types of contract structures in use: Rookie and Prime. General Manager Contracts fall under whichever category applies to their current age (i.e. a General Manager player will still become a Prime player in his 4th season). Rookie Contract Structure:• Rookie Contracts must be 3 seasons in duration. • The option of holding out or pushing for salary arbitration exists and is governed by Section 3 • The rookie has the option to pursue unrestricted free agency at the conclusion of the contract. • The minimum salary for Rookie contracts is based on TPA as described in Sections 2.2, 2.3. • Players on rookie contracts who are playing in the VHLM or VHLE will not count against the VHL salary cap so long as they play in the VHLM or VHLE. • If a rookie is not offered a contract by the last day of the pre-season for their entry year (i.e. S45 pre-season for an S45 player), they will become an unrestricted free agent. Might be one worth checking on as the portal doesn't announce when a re-signing offer has been made, only when it is accepted and I don't think they become UFA's in the portal if not offered a contract, although maybe this would be allowed manually through the forums? • A two-way clause is automatically attached to all rookie contracts for the 3 season duration (see below) Prime Contract Structure: • A prime contract will come into effect in the off-season prior to a player's 4th season. • The minimum contract length is 1 season, the maximum length is 5 seasons. • The minimum salary for Prime contracts is based on TPA as described in Sections 2.2, 2.3. • At the expiration of a contract, a player can choose to become an unrestricted free agent. 2.2 – TPE Salary – MinimumIn the VHL, the annual dollar value of a player’s salary is indirectly tied to the amount of TPA that the player has at the beginning of each season that they are under contract. Depending on the amount of TPA that a player has, they must make a minimum salary as indicated by the following scale. Please note that there are some exceptions generated by the difference between rookie contracts and veteran contracts. TPA Bracket Rookie Prime Under 200 $1 000 000 $1 500 000 201-300 $1 250 000 $1 750 000 301-400 $1 500 000 $2 000 000 401-500 $2 000 000 $2 500 000 501-600 $2 500 000 $3 000 000 601-700 $3 000 000 $3 500 000 701-800 $3 500 000 $4 000 000 801-900 $4 000 000 $5 000 000 901+ $4 500 000 $5 500 000 This scale will be re-evaluated for each player at a set date of each off-season (slightly before off-season events such as the draft, training camp, and award ceremony, but after the VHLM Bonuses are handed out no longer applies since VHLM Bonuses are handed out upon first regular season game in VHLE/VHL) and if the player has moved into another TPA bracket and their minimum salary does not meet the requirements of that bracket, their salary will be adjusted by the Financier to comply with the minimum salary requirements laid out in the table above. 2.3 – Determining Salary Brackets The cut-off 'week' is the last week of the VHL playoffs and the exact cut-off day is specified in the off-season schedule each season. Every TPE realized before this date counts towards a player total TPA. Off-season TPE (prediction points, training camp, point tasks posted during the "off-season" weeks) DO NOT count towards a player’s TPA hit for the upcoming season. VHLM Graduation Bonus DOES count towards a player’s TPA hit for the upcoming season. VHLM Graduation Bonus is handed out upon playing their first VHLE/VHL game, and current finances suggest it’s not counting to the cap, so this can be deleted. Banked TPE IS included in the Financier's calculation of a players total TPA. Unclaimed point tasks posted in weeks prior to the off-season week and job pay unclaimed from weeks prior to the off-season week still count against a players total TPE hit. Updaters will be on the lookout for old items being claimed after the cut-off date and, if these items push a player into a higher bracket, they will either have to accept the higher salary or forfeit the TPE entirely. Note that only unclaimed items can be forfeited - no TPE will be un-applied from players to keep them under a certain salary. Heard mention that back claims over a season ago are not allowed anyway, but cannot find anything official that confirms that The League Financier will be in charge of determining and adjusting salary brackets each off-season. Should there be any issues, the League Financier will work with the commissioners to resolve the issue. 2.4 – Contract Maximums The maximum annual salary for a player who plays in the VHLM or VHLE is $3 000 000 The maximum annual salary for a rookie-contract player, who plays in the VHL, is $6 000 000 The maximum annual salary for a prime-contract player is $9 000 000 2.5 – Contract Re-Negotiations/Extensions Upon a contract being finalized, barring option years the only adjustable portion of the contract is an increase in the annual dollar amount of the contract. There can be no decreases in the term or the dollar value of the contract. Any increase to the annual dollar amount must be declared as a bonus publicly in the team’s contract thread. Contract threads are a thing of the past so this can be deleted. These will only be allowed to be given out during the off-season, prior to the beginning of the upcoming season (before Day 1 of the sim). Active players will need to agree publicly in the teams contract thread to accept the bonus change to “accept the bonus given out by the General Manager on the portal to receive the money rewards”; inactive players are not eligible to receive bonuses once they have been signed. An extension to a current contract can only be officially confirmed during the last year of the current contract. An extension can have a change in the financial terms of the contract either positively or negatively. Extensions must be agreed upon by both the team and the player publicly could potentially change wording since it’s still phrased like it is thread based rather than portal based, but still works, unless the player is inactive (see below). General Managers will only be able to offer “inactives”* a maximum one-year extension, and it must come during the off-season in which their contract expires PRIOR to free agency opening. If an inactive is unsigned on the day free agency opens, that player will become an inactive FA as described in Section 4.3. This keeps the power in the hands of the player if they choose to come back. * - a player is deemed to be inactive if they haven't posted in 30 days or more Official wording as per a Quik announcement is "haven't updated in 30 days or more". 2.6 – Contract Options Options must be subsequent to committed terms. No committed terms can succeed an option year. Options can come in the form of Player Options, Team Options or Mutual (GM & Player Agreeing) Options. A contract may only have one total option year. No options aside from the 3 options listed above will be enforced by the Commissioner's Office. Any option must be agreed upon before the start of Free Agency or the player will hit the Free Agent Market. For an inactive player with a Player Option the team may pick up or decline the option for them. 2.7 – No Trade ClausesContracts may include a No Trade Clause (NTC), which is voided for the remainder of a contract, should the player waive it: A NTC gives the player the right to veto any trade involving themselves. In the event of League Expansion, a NTC also acts as a no-movement clause, and must be waived by the player in order to be exposed during an Expansion Draft An active player must indicate, either publicly in a trade thread or by contacting a VHL Commissioner, that they wish to waive a NTC before any trades or movement involving that player will be processed. Going off recent waiving of trade clauses suggests the player has an option in the portal? If a player goes inactive whilst on a contract with a NTC, the inactive's clause may be waived at the commissioners' discretion. 2.8 – Notables All players playing on Rookie contracts in the VHLM do not count against the cap. Prime contracts always count against the cap. Based on current finances, this doesn’t appear to still be the case as there are teams like NYA who are right at the cap, but would be over the cap if Prime prospects counted. If a player on a Rookie contract is called up during the season or post-season, their whole salary counts against the cap for that season. This can be removed as there are no longer mid-season callups. 2.9 - Backup Goalie Cap Deduction Teams with two human goalies will be allowed to deduct up to 2M from the lower of the two goalies salaries when determining their total cap hit. The deduction will always come from the lower of the two goalies salaries, regardless of the order in which they were acquired. Example: A team owns a low TPE goalie with a salary of 1.5M. At the deadline, they trade for a veteran goaltender at 60% for 2.7M, while keeping the original goalie on their roster. The amount of the deduction would be 1.5M. 2.10 - VHLM TPE Eligibility Players are eligible to play in the VHLM if they are at or under 200 TPE at the finance cutoff for the current season. Once a player has earned 201 TPE, they will no longer be eligible to play in the VHLM, and will automatically be called up to the VHLE, at the start the next season. 2.11 - VHLE TPE Eligibility Players are eligible to play in the VHLE if they are: At or below 400 TPE at the finance cutoff for the current season. At a minimum of 201 TPE by the start of the season. Once a player has earned 401 TPE, they will no longer be eligible to play in the VHLE, and will automatically be called up to the VHL, at the start the next season. These rules don’t have the same disclaimer the VHLE rules have that state a player below 400 TPA (e.g. players above 400 TPE whose regression has dropped them below 400 TPA) may enter which may be worth adding. 2.12 - VHL TPE Floor Players are eligible to play in the VHL if they are above 350 TPE now 300 TPE by the start of the current season. 3 – HOLDOUTS / SALARY ARBITRATION 3.1 – Salary ArbitrationSalary Arbitration is a tool available to players to settle contract disputes involving contract length and salary. There are certain rules and restrictions to applying for salary arbitration. For a player to apply for salary arbitration, you must do so during the final season of your current contract, or before the Entry Draft of that off-season. In order to apply for arbitration, please PM a commissioner. A team may take a player to arbitration only during the off-season in which they are drafted. If a team is unable to reach a contract agreement with a draftee, they can take that player to arbitration at any point from the time of the draft to the start of the regular season by submitting a PM to the commissioner. A salary arbitration ruling will be determined by the commissioners and will be based on TPE, activity, team composition, and other factors A team may walk away from a ruling, however a player may not. If a team accepts a ruling, it is final. If a team walks away from a ruling for a draftee however, they will become an unrestricted free agent not a restricted free agent. The one note I can think is that we removed RFA in Season 63, so the last part doesn’t seem neccessary A salary arbitration deal may not be re-worked in any way during the first season of the contract. During the second season, a team is able to give a raise on the contract if they wish, and an extension can be negotiated 3.2 – Holdouts Any player who elects to hold out will not be eligible to play in either the VHL or VHLM until they have signed a VHL contract If the player is a draftee, the team that has drafted their rights has the ability to take them to salary arbitration The team holding the player’s rights has the ability to trade their rights to another team if they cannot reach a new contract If the player already has a contract signed they will have to sit out their contract if no deal can be reached A player with a signed contract that elects to holdout will not have their contract count against the salary cap A player may end their holdout at any time Holdouts will be monitored by the commissioners to ensure that both parties are working towards a productive conclusion. If one or both parties is not working towards a conclusion, additional steps may be taken at the discretion of the commissioners. I honestly don’t know what’s up with Salary Arbitration and Holdouts, but I assume these are still correct. 4 – FREE AGENCY 4.1 – Unrestricted Free AgentsAn unrestricted free agent will be determined as a player who has 0 years left on their contract, a player who declined a player option/the GM declining a team option or not officially picking up the option at the time of the start of free agency, and is not a restricted free agent under the definition described in Section 4.1 Restricted Free Agency ended in Season 63, so don’t need to keep that last part. A contract must meet TPE – Salary minimums for every season in the contract After the trade deadline has passed, teams may not sign a player from free agency until the conclusion of the playoffs A player may accept a contract at any time after the contract is offered, unless there is a limit on free agency length in the off-season. If a player is inactive, then if the thread does not see a raise after 24 hrs, they will go to the team with the highest $ value bid. When offering a contract to an inactive, the dollar amount has to be within the contract scales during non-option seasons thus preventing a team from offering a back-end loaded contract that is all based on conditional team options. This part can be removed as Inactive Free Agency has changed to the way detailed in 4.3 All contract offers must be publicly posted in the thread. It’s portal based so this could be amended to “All contract offers must be made through the portal” although you could also just delete this part. Any raise on a previous offer for inactives must be by a minimum of $250 000. Inactives only get minimum contract. Free Agent Contracts will have a cap hit equal to the salary earned during that given year As described in Section 1.5 2.5, one-season contract extensions to inactive players are valid as long as the team offers the player a contract extension prior to free agency opening AND the player doesn't decline it before the start of free agency AND that player hasn't posted (like previous note on the topic, current definition is hasn't updated their player in the portal in 30 days leading up to the start of free agency. ExampleHelsinki signs Player A to a 4 year, $16 million dollar contract structured as follows Season 1: $3 000 000 Season 2: $3 000 000 Season 3: $5 000 000 Season 4: $5 000 000 The cap hit in Season 1 and Season 2 would be $3 000 000, and the cap hit in Season 3 and Season 4 would be $5 000 000 4.2 - Inactive Players / Free Agents An Inactive Player is any player who has not had a TPE Update in the past 30 days. An Inactive Free Agent refers to a UFA who has not updated their player in the 30 days prior to the opening of Free Agency. Free agents falling under this category will be distributed via a priority-claim based system. 4.3 - Inactive Free Agency Initial priority will be determined by the reverse order of the standings including playoff results (the list will be identical to the order of round 2 and above in the draft). For claims opened on the first day of free agency, teams will have 24 hours from the time of the first claim to submit claims. At the end of 24 hours, the team with the highest priority claim gets the player. This means claims can be retracted at any time during the 24h period. Should a player submit a TPE Update within 24 hours of being claimed as an inactive free agent, the player will become 'active' and return to Free Agency. For all claims opened after the first day of free agency, 12 hours will be used instead of 24 for everything in the above paragraph. Only ONE claim can be active at a time per team. Once a claim is made, the claiming team falls to the bottom of the list. All players claimed will be automatically signed to one-year contracts at their TPE minimum salary. These players will not be eligible to receive bonuses. For each teams first claim each season, they may claim any player they choose. For subsequent uses, it must be used on the highest TPE player available unless there is a justifiable reason not to. Example: A team needs a goalie, so choosing the highest TPE goalie over a higher TPE player would be acceptable To prevent circumvention of the above rule, players claimed in inactive free agency cannot be released. This means a team cannot get around the requirement that the highest TPE players be claimed first by continually signing and releasing players to effectively 'climb down' to lower TPE players. They can still be sent down to VHLM teams, if they are below 251 TPE, but not if the only reason for it is to circumvent the rules. VHLM limit is no longer 250 TPE. 4.4 - Tampering The act of tampering, which is prohibited by the VHL, is defined as any member of a VHL team making direct, or indirect, contact in order to entice, or persuade, or attempt to entice, or persuade a member under contract with another VHL team to enter into negotiations with, or request a trade to, a team that they are not currently under contract with. The punishment for tampering is decided upon by the VHL Commissioners, and may include sanctions against offering Free Agent contracts to the player(s) in question, sanctions against offering any Free Agent contracts in upcoming Free Agency period, and/or draft pick forfeiture. In the event a Commissioner is on, or is the GM of, a team involved in a tampering allegation, that Commissioner will not be involved in determining the league's course of action. If deemed necessary, other members of the league's senior leadership may be brought in to review the situation. 4.5 - GM Players in Free Agency GMs may not sign their own player out of Free Agency unless league approval is provided prior to the start of Free Agency. 5 – TRAINING CAMP 5.1 - Basic Rules of Training CampTraining occurs during the pre-season, before the start of the Regular Season. Any player who is signed to a VHL or VHLE team may claim their team's Training Camp for that season. Training Camp does count as uncapped TPE. This always used to be for players who had only been drafted to either the VHL/VHLE, but now that some players can play in the E before they're drafted there, this might need a re-write. 5.2 – Trades during Training CampPlayers may only claim Training Camp once per season. Should a player be traded while training camps are open, they may only claim Training Camp with their new team if they had not previously claimed it for that same season. I’m not sure if this part is necessary anymore given it’s just a button option in the portal now rather than a team thread 7 – CALL-UPS AND SEND-DOWNS 7.1 - VHL Send-downs Only entry-level players that are in compliance with the VHLE TPE Eligibility may be sent down during the off-season. Non-entry level players or entry-level players with TPE in excess of the VHLE's requirements may not be sent down. Refer to Section 2 for eligibility. I don't know how true this part is as some teams have been sending down non-entry level players recently. 7.2 - VHL Call-ups Any eligible player may be called up by their VHL team during the off-season. No call-ups may take place during the season. Refer to Section 2 for eligibility. 7.3 - VHLE Call-ups Any eligible player may request to be moved up from the VHLM to the VHLE during the off-season. Refer to Section 2 for eligibility. 10 – EARNING TPE “TPE” stands for a “Total Points Earned.” TPE can be earned in many different ways as outlined below. In the VHL we have a weekly earning cap of 12 capped TPE/week. All work submitted with the intention of claiming TPE MUST be your own. Submitting the work of others will be subject to a TPE earning suspension at the discretion of the league Commissioners. For more a more user friendly post on how to earn TPE, see here. See this thread for more information on the Point Task Structure and TPE Cap. These “here”’s don’t link anywhere 10.1 – Weekly Main Point TasksMembers are allowed to submit 1 point task per week worth up to 6 capped TPE. Point Tasks can be any ONE of the following: Media Spot Graphic / Video Podcast (this is different than a 2-point podcast) Welfare / Pension / Affiliate Welfare These should probably be split since they’re no longer claimed in the same fashion. Would also potentially be worth mentioning Affiliate 12 since there’s no mention of it here, along with mentioning the time restrictions for Affiliate Welfare (e.g. If I have posted an Affiliate PT during W/E June 26th or could claim Affiliate 12 for W/E June 26th, do I have to claim it on the portal during W/E June 26th or can I claim it for W/E June 26th after the week has passed?) A point task week is from 12:00 AM PST Monday - 11:59 PM PST Sunday. Should you need an extension, please personal message a commissioner BEFORE the week is over. Conversely, Point Tasks may not be posted ahead of time, unless they qualify as a multi-week claim, without Commissioner approval. Members without a player may not post a Point Task. Point tasks count against the weekly earning cap of 12 TPE/week. 10.2 – Other Ways to Earn Capped TPEThere are some other ways members can earn weekly TPE (can think of them as secondary point tasks). These Point Tasks are capped at 6 TPE per week and count toward the weekly earning cap of 12 TPE/week. These tasks may only be completed during the week they are claimed. Articles or VHL Radio Podcasts These are the second method of earning capped TPE each week and can be found here. Members can submit up to two (2) forms of Radio submissions in any given week. A Article is a short, 150-word piece of writing that will immediately earn you 2 capped TPE. Graphics (for example, a player card) are also accepted in this section. A VHL Radio Podcast is simply a short podcast - it only needs to a few five minutes and will earn you 3 capped TPE. Like Point Tasks, the topic of any of these can be pretty much anything, as long as it VHL-related in some way. Affiliate Replacement The VHL affiliate program includes leagues, wherein a submission in said league may count as a replacement for a submission, valued at 2 capped TPE. Affiliate Replacement submissions do count against the limit of two (2) submissions per week. May be worth clarifying how this works in the "no more than one of each" system for VHL.coms. E.g. Since SBA Quotes are written, does that mean I can't do a article in the same week (so would have to do a graphic or Radio for the other submission)? League Jobs It takes a lot of people to keep everything in the VHL running and, as such, we frequently post in the Job Interviews section to hire new members. Jobs offer capped TPE each week, with the amount depending on the job. Certain jobs will pay more, for example Simmers earn 8 capped TPE per week, while others will pay less In relation to theme and other doubles (or triples, etc) weeks, job pay of 6+ counts as a PT meaning if the earner wishes to use it instead of a PT to claim the bonus that is allowed. However in replacing a PT it replaces any option of a PT. This means, for example, that the user cannot claim theme week off of pay and also welfare. That would be two distinctly different “PT’s” which is not allowed. This is in contrast to normal weeks where Job Pay is just looked at as capped TPE, regardless of how much is earned. It is not a “PT replacement” automatically and can be used however a user chooses. This could be replacing their PT, their supplemental tasks, etc. This includes being able to claim welfare alongside job pay with the usual limitations that possesses. Press Conferences Up to 2 capped TPE per week can be earned through Press Conferences, where you can ask questions in other players press conferences or answer questions asked by others in your own press conference. Press Conference rules can be found here. Trivia Up to 2 capped TPE per week can be earned through participating in VHL Trivia, where you answer VHL related questions asked by the Head of Trivia. Additionally, at the end of the season you will receive an uncapped TPE amount determined by how many weeks you submitted answers to the Trivia. Trivia can be found here. No more uncapped TPE for Trivia, link needs to change to Portal Trivia Need to add Reviewing and Game Recaps to the list 10.3 – Career Point TasksThere are some one-time point tasks that members are allowed to submit ONCE during their career at any time. These include a Rookie Profile and an Autobiography (for players whose VHL Draft was S69 or earlier). For more information and rubrics, see here. Given we no longer have Season 69 players, this part can be deleted For any players whose VHL Draft was S70, or later, there are now 5 Career Point Tasks. These include Junior Review, Prospect Scouting Report, Rookie Experience, Veteran Presence, and Biography. They can be found here, along with their requirements. These are due to be updated to the new Career Point Tasks as of Season 86. Each Career Point Task is unlocked at different points in a player's career, and may only be completed once each, per player. These do not count against the weekly earning cap of 12 TPE/week. 10.4 – VHL Fantasy SectionThe VHL Fantasy Section offers members another chance to grab some TPE. There are hockey, baseball, football and basketball pools throughout the year (among others). In addition, there are some weekly challenges like “VHL Predict the Score.” For more information, see the VHL Fantasy Section here. Could potentially do with a rewrite since the Fantasy Zone doesn’t really fit this description anymore This does not count against the weekly earning cap of 12 TPE/week. 10.5 – Player StorePlayers can spend money at the Player Store at any time during their careers. Their bank balance is determined by the cumulative value of their contracts throughout their career, minus any purchases. Additional cash is sometimes given out by the league for special occasions. The entirety of each seasons contract is added to players balances at the beginning of that season. No money is carried over when re-creating and, further, a player's bank balance is inaccessible once he is retired meaning no additional purchases can be made. For rules regarding the carrying-over of previously purchased items (i.e. prediction multiplier, point task upgrade, etc), see the link in Section 12.3. 12 – CREATING A NEW PLAYER/POSITION CHANGES 12.1-1 – Creating a Player For the First TimeMembers who have created a player for the first time will receive 30 free TPE to apply to their player. 12.1-2 - Adjusted Starting TPE As of the S73 Draft Class, any member who creates a player following the opening week of Creation for their draft class (Trade Deadline 2 seasons prior to their Draft Season, i.e. the S71 Trade Deadline is the opening week of Creation for the S73 Draft), will receive 6 TPE for every week that has passed since the previous deadline upon creation. This applies to both new members and re-creates. Example: The Season 71 Trade Deadline was Monday April 20th, 2020. Anyone who creates a S73 prospect as of Monday April 27th, would be eligible for the following Adjusted Starting TPE: Player Creation Dates // Late Joiner Adjustment Apr 27 - May 03 // +6 TPE May 04 - May 10 // +12 TPE May 11 - May 17 // +18 TPE May 18 - May 24 // +24 TPE May 25 - May 31 // +30 TPE June 01 - June 07 // +36 TPE June 08 - June 14 // +42 TPE 12.2 - Career Length Player Careers hold 8 seasons of VHL eligibility, starting with your Draft Season (i.e. S71 Prospects will have their career run from Season 71 through Season 78, inclusive.VHLM seasons prior to your Draft Season do not count towards your aggregate seasons. Playing in the VHLM after your Draft Season does count towards your Eight seasons of VHL eligibility. This will need a re-write to include Post-S80 careers lasting nine seasons now. 12.3 - Position Changes Defense to Forward or Vise-Versa Any player can switch from Defense to Forward once per career. Active players must buy a position change in the Player Store. Inactives can have their positions changed by their GMs. Goalie to Skater or Vise-Versa A first-gen player will have 1 month from the date of their initial creation to switch to, or from, being a goalie at no penalty. Re-creates will not be allowed to switch to, or from, being a goalie. However, if a player started off with carryover AND they decide they want to switch prior to the start of the VHL Playoffs in the year prior to their draft year (i.e. S49 Playoffs for an S50 draftee) we will allow them to retire and re-create once again while keeping their original carryover. A re-create with no carryover will have to retire and recreate as normal should they want to switch to or from goalie. Example: Player 1, an S50 player, started off with 50 TPE in carryover from his previous player. Just before the start of S49 Playoffs, Player 1 decides he would like to switch to goalie. He will not be allowed to switch, but Player 1 can retire, recreate as Player 2, and start again with the 50 TPE in carryover from the previous player. This will only be allowed once with the same amount of carryover. (i.e. if the example player above decided he wanted to switch again, he would start at the base 30 TPE). No TPE will carryover from the player being switched from. This includes point tasks, claimed or unclaimed. If you make the switch, you are starting over. 12.4 - First Generation Player A first generation (first-gen) player is the first player a member creates. This player will, obviously, start with 0 Carryover TPE, but will be eligible for all First Generation bonuses such as the reward for reaching 100 TPE, or the first generation purchases in the player store. Alternatively, a member who returns after having no players in the league (either VHL or VHLM) for three (3) seasons, may forego carryover to be re-classified as a first generation player and qualify for the first generation bonuses. This part is fine in the rulebook, but could be clarified better in the player store, as it makes it look like you can buy First-Gen Bonuses just for not having a player for three seasons rather than the actual requirement which is three seasons without a player AND zero recreate TPE. Should a player wish to forego carryover and re-classify as a first-gen, they must contact a VHL Commissioner upon creation. Special circumstances, that do not align with the above criteria, will also be considered, to allow re-classification as a first-gen. 13 – RETIREMENT, RE-CREATING & DEPRECIATION 13.1 - Retiring Your Player All players are automatically retired after completing 8 seasons following their their VHL Draft. i.e. A player whose draft season is S71 will be automatically retired following the S78 season Same as 12.2, careers are nine seasons for the S80 and beyond players If you wish to retire your player manually, you may do so through the Player Management section of the Portal, by selecting Retire Player. Any retirement that is manually processed will be considered final by the Commissioner(s). Any retirement from the start of the Pre-Season, as stated on the season schedule, through the end of the Continental Cup Finals, will be processed in the following off-season Any retirement during the off-season will be processed immediately 13.2 - Unretiring a Player If you wish to unretire a player after manually retiring, you have seven (7) days from the time of retirement to do so, but will be penalized in escalating consequences for each day that passes, as follows: Within 24H of retirement: 1-Week Update Ban Within 48H of retirement: 2-Week Update Ban Within 3 days of retirement: 10% TPE and Attribute Reduction Within 4 days of retirement: 15% TPE and Attribute Reduction Within 5 days of retirement: 20% TPE and Attribute Reduction Within 6 days of retirement: 25% TPE and Attribute Reduction Within 7 days of retirement: 30% TPE and Attribute Reduction 13.3 - Re-Creating Rules Once you retire, you cannot make player store purchases with your retired player's balance. If your previous player wins any awards after he is retired, you may claim the TPE for those awards on your new player. If you retire during the season, you may claim that seasons prediction points on your new player. However, prediction point multipliers bought in the player store are not allowed to be claimed on a new player. If you purchased one and retired, you will receive only your base prediction points. You cannot claim unclaimed point tasks or any other unclaimed contest/giveaway TPE on a new player without direct permission from a Commissioner. Multi-week PT’s with claims remaining can be finished off on a new player so long as the user has not intentionally stopped claiming them in order to utilize the PT after recreation. IE if a user writes 2000 words, doesn’t claim it for 4 weeks, and then claims 4 weeks worth after recreation the updates will be denied. If said user writes 2000 words, claims 3 weeks, recreates, and claims the final week that is allowed. Intention will be judged by commissioner discretion. All players begin with 30 TPE, any adjusted starting TPE or carryover TPE is added to the starting 30. 13.4 - TPE Carry Over Any player retired with over 50 total TPE will earn carryover at a rate of 4% of the retiring players TPE, up to a maximum of 50 TPE. Carryover will be earned on top of the 30 starting TPE that all players receive. This means the maximum starting TPE is 80 (30 base + 50 carryover). 13.5 - Depreciation All players will be subject to depreciation in the off-season prior to their 6th, 7th, and 8th seasons of VHL eligibility. Playing in the VHLM following your draft does not delay depreciation. Obviously this will need amending for the Season 80 and beyond, which also does have VHLM and VHLE seasons delay depreciation Your TPE level will not be depreciated, only your attributes will be. Experience, Discipline and Leadership will not be subject to depreciation. Since we’re no longer using STHS attributes for updates, could change these to Hybrid definitions instead. Start of Sixth Season: 3% 5% off each attribute regardless of value Start of Seventh Season: 5% 8% off each attribute regardless of value Start of Eighth Season: 7% 12% off each attribute regardless of value Ninth Season - 12% depreciation but with no Still Kicking/Old But Not Forgotten purchase equivalent ** All decimal places .5 and higher will be rounded up.Example: Player X has 99 fighting going into his 6th Season. 99 X 0.03 = 2.97 99 - 2.97 = 96.03 therefore his attribute page would read a 96 in Faceoffs. 14 – GENERAL MANAGERS 14.1 – General Managers and their PlayersAs of Season 69, GM Players are no longer linked to their teams. Players created by GMs are treated the same as normal players, with a few exceptions: Manipulation of draft stock so that a GM's player falls to their pick outside the 1st round will result in penalties, to be determined by league commissioners. Per Section 4.5, GMs may not sign their own players in Free Agency, without league approval Per Section 6.7, any trade involving a GM trading for his/her own player is subject to league approval 14.2 - Keaton Louth Rule All teams must start a secondary goalie at least 8 times during the season; meaning no goaltender may start more than 64 games, in one season, for a single team. Failure to comply with this maximum will result in punishment, at the discretion of League Commissioners. Punishment will range from draft pick/cap space fines, to being forced to play a backup goaltender for up to 8 playoff games to make up the extra regular season games played by their #1 goaltender. Example: Davos starts Ross 22/22 games, trades for Goalie X. Now, Goalie X is allowed to start 50/50 Seattle starts Funk 5/5 games, trades for Goalie Y. Goalie Y may only start 64/67 games, so a 3rd goalie would need to start the remaining 3 games 14.3 - Spirit of Competition i. Best Available Roster - General Managers are expected to put forth their best available roster, every game of the season. Managers found to be violating the spirit of competition within the league, especially, but not limited to, any form of tanking, will face punishment, at the discretion of the League Commissioners. Punishment will range up to, and including, but not limited to: Draft Pick Forfeiture, Salary Cap Fines, GM Dismissal. Example: If a team in S73 is found to be playing CPU Players, or inferior Inactive Players, over better Human Created Players, they may face reduced Draft Lottery Odds, or possibly the loss of their 1st Round Pick entirely, in the S74 VHL Entry Draft. Depending on the severity of their transgression, the General Manager may also face dismissal. ii. CPU Goaltenders - Teams may not start a CPU Goaltender for more than 8 games in a season, when a human created goaltender above 250 TPA is available. If the team does not have a human created goaltender on their roster, they must make a reasonable attempt to acquire one, whether that is through trade, free agency, or the VHL Entry Draft. Example: If Vancouver does not have a Human Created Goaltender on their roster to start the season, but there is a Free Agent Goaltender, Active, Inactive, or pending Retirement upon season's end, they must make an offer on said Free Agent. Does a team have to make an offer for a human goalie if said goalie is below 250 TPA? iii. Human Goaltenders Below 250 TPA - Human Created Goaltenders who are below 250 TPA may not start more than 8 games in a season. Should they cross the 250 TPA threshold mid-season, this rule will only apply to games started before crossing 250 TPA. Edited December 12, 2022 by MubbleFubbles Added Extra Rules That I Saw Needed Changing Following New Depreciation Changes jacobcarson877, v.2, Ledge and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gustav 6,594 Posted June 27, 2022 Share Posted June 27, 2022 Imagine a world where we had an updated rulebook…I don’t think it’s been 100% accurate at any time I’ve been here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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