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Add a mid season tournament!


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I want to expand on this in a media spot I’ll make but just to give the overall idea of it, why not add a mid season tournament!



We see it in a ton of different sports so why not include it into the season! After the all star break make a tournament that has a round robin with team then make a bracket for the top teams in each pool! Obviously making a bracket and stuff can be confusing but I think it could be done! 


we could also maybe name the tournament after me, maybe “The Dahl showtime tournament” maybe even add a sort of reward to the winner 


maybe you could split the conferences and the winner from each automatically gets a playoff spot! It sound like such a great idea in my mind it could definitely attract teams that may not make the playoffs a shot at it and may stop teams from tanking so early in the the season when they lose some games!


I feel that the addition of a mid season tournament would definitely help the league in a ton of ways it’s just a win win type of thing which is how I see it, I’m almost at 200 words but let’s think about this and I will continue talking about it!

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Ironically, WJC used to be midseason before it was moved to the off-season since people found the off-season too dull since there were no sims of any sort, but I think the league's stance is "if you want to do it, do it yourself and go nuts."

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10 minutes ago, Spartan said:

"if you want to do it, do it yourself and go nuts."

Just ran the tournament, Warsaw and NY were awarded playoff spots in their respective conferences. The VHL better honour the results.

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5 hours ago, Spartan said:

Ironically, WJC used to be midseason before it was moved to the off-season since people found the off-season too dull since there were no sims of any sort, but I think the league's stance is "if you want to do it, do it yourself and go nuts."


You gotta remember that simming is a daily task that already 3 of us are doing plus having a backup on standby, it’s a large time investment and a stressful job to get right 100% of the time. Add onto that the need already to run the WC and WJC and you’ve got a lot on our plates. Additionally we have found that there is diminishing returns on how much people care about additional tournaments. Everyone thinks that they’ll want them until they have them at which point they don’t really care and it just ends up as additional work for us.


I assume the follow up will be the usual: “why not hire more simmers then?” The king and short is that we can, and have. @MexicanCow123 is obviously handling the VHLE this season and has been our backup for a few years now. Additionally @Alex has been simming the JST for us. The thing is that the more people we give simming access to the less secure our sims are. Access means giving people our Dropbox with all past league files and our FTP with every historical game and index. If someone were to decide to be malicious 2 clicks could delete the entirety of the VHL’s history. I would like to think we better our simmers well enough that it wouldn’t happen but you never know. That’s why we like to keep simming kinda tight.


At the end of the day it’s easy to say “more sims = better” I just don’t know if, in practice, that’s actually the case.

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See no reason for this to happen and I like to see more, we have plenty of tournaments and some new players need to keep focused on the sesson itself.. Just clutters everything imo

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