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Final countdown




Have ever played though game? Have you watched to the tablo and saw that few seconds have left and you are down by one goal? Though .... but when you make it! It is worth it!






I mean I feel exactly same. Draft is coming. I’m down by practice hours on ice because of joining VHLM bit too late. Others have been more experienced but I think in recent trainings  I had rised my skill relativly fast but not so much as others. There is less than 24 hours before draft but I’m sitting here in Rush arena doing last individual practices.


*Practice hours=TPE


How this started? Why I’m here? I think it started when I got in VHLM. It was something else, never before experienced. I love to play with Outlaws but it was quite there. I was doing great on ice but in locker room I was reserved than usual... I wanted to just do my job and train. I got that spark in my eye when I was playing hockey... But I was reserved at all. All what I did I managed and didn’t felt empty...





Then happened trade what changed my life... Rush was different. Different players, staff, game tactics. Personally I thought that I was playing like „sh*t”. I mean I want to say that it was my fault that Rush didn’t got in to the Play Offs. I should be better. Team was relaying to me. I thought it could be disaster to me. This time line of my carrier but... But I love this team, players, stuff, game style and even mascott who I never had seen :D





Somehow enthuazism awake into me like ever before. I already placed myself as forever fourthliner. Just do dirty job and relay to team but... I wanted more. I want fight, check, block, assist, score ... WIN! I have never rated personal sucess higher than team sucess. Team sucess is priority. These new feelings that I have... I feel that I want prove myself to others. To show I’m that guy who want to win!




Even though I played in minor league I had opportunity to learn from real masters.


I saw how hard working was Jaime Hill. Despite being defenceman I learnt a lot from ..him.. Most important was patience.


Ziedins is amazing skater. As a forward I usually try to skate less and focus on positional game but this guy is amazing. He is like rocket. He made me believe that on skates there are no limit.


Shadhu has amazing shot. I remember that we sometimes after workout we were challenging each other with shooting skills. We won every single time.


Pettyfer came up in the very end of Rush family. I love how creative was he and that how unselfish was he. Man of honor! I learned that you should be unselfish on ice.


Catrall was good offensive guy and it was pleasure to play next to him. I saw the same spark what I have to him. More likely I understood that I should go every shift with passion.


These five were my best teachers... But one of them was like son of hockey God itself. Zoidberg was killing machine! I’m not evena t half so good as he but as he said: „I one day was just like you.” That’s is true. One day may be I could be same good as he is now but ... But I have to work a lot. Zoidberg is always last out from gym. Guy is like superhuman in my eyes. He could become super goalscorer or one best league playmakers but part of his identity will be that he is overally better than  everyone elso on this planet! (Hold on VHL guys :D ) I learnt from him that everything is possible.




I have progressed a lot since last august. Does it make me to the best? I’m far away from that but I have right to keep going and become one. Only what I want is team what will draft me would appreciate my passion to hockey.


After this day my life won’t end. I don’t who want more see me in their jersey. I want next season see myself in new jersey. If I could reach Team Europe roster it would be great positive statement that I’m  progressed a lot in very short period of time and that I have done my objectives.


This night will be special. Now it is time ti get reward of my work. Now it will be judged!



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