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I feel offended ad a team name


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On 8/7/2022 at 3:36 AM, Ahma said:

everything is offensive


deal with it


On 8/7/2022 at 8:22 AM, ThePerfectNut said:


bad takes. You don't know the political or social situations in Turkey. As a community we should be welcoming and if we have a team named close enough to a racist group we should change it. I mean what if we had a group named after Hitler or someone else racist and agreed upon to be racist in our culture. A lot of people would be unhappy immediately and we would be losing membership. Be inclusive and try to understand why people think the way they do. They have the first hand experience.

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5 hours ago, nurx said:


bad takes. You don't know the political or social situations in Turkey. As a community we should be welcoming and if we have a team named close enough to a racist group we should change it. I mean what if we had a group named after Hitler or someone else racist and agreed upon to be racist in our culture. A lot of people would be unhappy immediately and we would be losing membership. Be inclusive and try to understand why people think the way they do. They have the first hand experience.

Pump the brakes on that comrade. 

There are situations where you can ho and say that a team name inherits some sort of a racist/highly innapropriate situation HOWEVER this is not that case. 


I am still waiting for Houston Bulls team name to be changed as I am 99% sure there will be a animal rights activist that will come and link Houston to Rodeo to Bulls and say that the team glorifies animal abuse. Of course I am joking about wanting the team name changed there, obviously but the connection is as strong there as it is here with Red Wolves.

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6 hours ago, nurx said:


bad takes. You don't know the political or social situations in Turkey. As a community we should be welcoming and if we have a team named close enough to a racist group we should change it. I mean what if we had a group named after Hitler or someone else racist and agreed upon to be racist in our culture. A lot of people would be unhappy immediately and we would be losing membership. Be inclusive and try to understand why people think the way they do. They have the first hand experience.


I get your point. At the same time, the offended party needs to realise that the Istanbul Red Wolves of the VHLE (a VIRTUAL hockey franchise) has absolutely no relation to the 'organisations' in Turkey. What if a John Doe from New York City once did harm to me and now I am offended by anyone who is called John Doe and happens to come from New York, but has never even talked to me? Who would be the racist (or whatever you want to call it) be in such a scenario?

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8 hours ago, FrostBeard said:

Pump the brakes on that comrade. 

There are situations where you can ho and say that a team name inherits some sort of a racist/highly innapropriate situation HOWEVER this is not that case. 


I am still waiting for Houston Bulls team name to be changed as I am 99% sure there will be a animal rights activist that will come and link Houston to Rodeo to Bulls and say that the team glorifies animal abuse. Of course I am joking about wanting the team name changed there, obviously but the connection is as strong there as it is here with Red Wolves.

Again we are not the group who has been affected by this group. The individual who has has pointed that it is a bit offensive. Now we are dealing with two things. Closeness to a name, and also language. It is possible that in translation it becomes even closer. The main thing is that there is a person who has experienced this thing and wants the name to be changed. We wouldn't put anyone else who has gone through same terrible tragedy through the same situation. For example, let's say we had a team called the Clans Men and it was named after something like clash of clans. Now a black man comes in who has been harassed or attacked by the real like KKK and says, "I don't really like a team called the Clans Men because Clans Men reminds me to much of a Klansman. This is super similar. The only difference is we know what the KKK represents in our culture to the black community. You likely don't fully understand what this group means to Kurdish people. It is important that as a community we are welcoming to as many people as possible.



7 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:


I get your point. At the same time, the offended party needs to realise that the Istanbul Red Wolves of the VHLE (a VIRTUAL hockey franchise) has absolutely no relation to the 'organisations' in Turkey. What if a John Doe from New York City once did harm to me and now I am offended by anyone who is called John Doe and happens to come from New York, but has never even talked to me? Who would be the racist (or whatever you want to call it) be in such a scenario?


I think the main difference is this is a notorious group in the region. Complaining about a single character is a stretch but I think my example earlier in this post is a good explanation. I don't think we are being racist by having the name. We are however being incredibly insensitive by refusing to change it. In reality it doesn't affect us that much to change it. It does however make a positive impact on @Bedirhan who will likely see the community as more opening and understanding. In the western world we can be blinded by the inside rhetoric, but we must understand where other people are coming from.

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52 minutes ago, nurx said:

Again we are not the group who has been affected by this group. The individual who has has pointed that it is a bit offensive. Now we are dealing with two things. Closeness to a name, and also language. It is possible that in translation it becomes even closer. The main thing is that there is a person who has experienced this thing and wants the name to be changed. We wouldn't put anyone else who has gone through same terrible tragedy through the same situation. For example, let's say we had a team called the Clans Men and it was named after something like clash of clans. Now a black man comes in who has been harassed or attacked by the real like KKK and says, "I don't really like a team called the Clans Men because Clans Men reminds me to much of a Klansman. This is super similar. The only difference is we know what the KKK represents in our culture to the black community. You likely don't fully understand what this group means to Kurdish people. It is important that as a community we are welcoming to as many people as possible.




I think the main difference is this is a notorious group in the region. Complaining about a single character is a stretch but I think my example earlier in this post is a good explanation. I don't think we are being racist by having the name. We are however being incredibly insensitive by refusing to change it. In reality it doesn't affect us that much to change it. It does however make a positive impact on @Bedirhan who will likely see the community as more opening and understanding. In the western world we can be blinded by the inside rhetoric, but we must understand where other people are coming from.

I get it but stil you guys from north America don't get my culture of the Kurdish people I got family members that been hurt by the gray wolf is mafia group that controls turkey in the shadows but lately there in the light to its like this they like only turkish people not Kurdish or Greeks and many more people of different kind look i all ready said like don't want a name change so yeah and I allso don't want a location change I only need answer okay 

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