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a tale of two Brothers // The fat lady sang

Daniel Janser

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Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg

(Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats)


The Jansers' season has finished and it is time now to reload the batteries and to prepare for the next season. The brothers will be united in the same club yet again and can prove that the performance they were able to show in their first season in the VHLM can be duplicated. Just as a small reminder for readers who did miss the Swiss' inaugural season, let's take a walk down memory lane with their stats from S80 (MIS and PHI combined).

Marcel regular season/playoffs:

72gp, 14g, 40a, 54pts, -8, 52 PIM, 75 hits, 137sb, 1gwg, 6ppg

5gp, 0g, 1a, 1pt, -2, 2 PIM, 3 hits, 7sb


Daniel regular season/playoffs:

72gp, 40g, 40a, 80pts, -10, 52 PIM, 152 hits, 26sb, 6gwg, 14ppg, 1shg

5gp, 2g, 2a, 4pts, +0, 4 PIM, 12 hits, 2sb, 0gwg, 1ppg, 0shg


It is safe to say, that GM Kris Rice would be more than happy if the brothers could repeat such numbers after their reunion.


Daniel is prepping for the season as is custom with the ProAM tournament where he will be dressing for the Birmingham Tiddlywinks. Marcel will stay in the Wranglers training center and get a brush up on his offensive play for his VHL rookie season.


Our correspondent Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux (JLL) was able to talk to the brothers at their father's place at Lake Ontario, where they spent a week fishing with their dad.


JLL: 'Marcel, you must be excited to play in the big show and meet up with all the other Wranglers.'

Marcel (MJ): 'I sure am, and looking forward to it, too. Dan described all of them as capital fellows and dapper dressers and I cannot wait to skate with them in the Big Show at long last.'

JLL: 'Dan, what will it be like to play with your brother again?'

Daniel (DJ): 'Well, we always were like-minded when it came to hockey. We both appreciate the defensive work and enjoy the physical aspect of the game. We know where the other is and more importantly, where he will be in the next few seconds. This is something which could give us an advantage during the game as we can pull off no-look passes and moves which otherwise were impossible or at least highly risky and give the GM a cardiac arrest.'

JLL: 'Marcel, how would you describe the hockey player Daniel Janser?'

MJ: 'Well, he is a reliable shut down forward with an extraordinary hockey sense and good offensive tools. He can score clutch goals and last season's three hatties proved that he is good for multi-goal games. Never afraid of laying down to law with earthshattering checks and opponents who think he is a push over just because he is relatively short, will learn the hard way that he is ferocious in the in-fight. He does not block shots though and takes too many penalties for my taste.'

JLL: 'And Dan how do you see Marcel as a hockey player?'

DJ: 'A solid defensive minded defense man who is king in his own zone. He is good at anticipating shot lanes and shuts them down, if need be with his body. More of a set up guy than taking the shot himself, He has very underrated offensive skills at his disposal, but so far he has focussed so hard on defence, that they did not get to bear. Something people would refer to as 'pylon' in the best sense of the word. But I am sure Kris will address this topic, and I would be surprised if Marcel would not improve in that area before too long. Due to his eccentric skating style, which he developed due to a hernia he suffered as an infant and went unnoticed until his late teens, he looks slower and more cumbersome on the ice than he really is. I cannot count the times he caught some opponents offguard because they underestimated his speed.'

JLL: 'That are very interesting assessments, thanks. So what are your goals for next season?'

DJ: 'Well, Kris has not locked the whole S83 draft class for 4-5 seasons just for their good looks. It is the worst kept secret in Alberta that we strive for the cup. And I am sure Marcel and I can do our fair share to achieve this admittedly ambitious goal. But as the Australians say: 'We are not here to fuck spiders.' If you compete at this level, there is only one goal and we think that Calgary can do it.'

MJ: 'I could not have said it better myself. I will need to get used to the new level of hockey, but no-one ever accused me of being a slack and I do what I can to help the team to get to the top.'

JLL: 'Okay, thanks that was all the questions I had. Thanks for your time and good luck.'

DJ and MJ in unison: 'Thanks for having as and godspeed.'


Stay tuned for further updates. While you wait, why not read some of our previous articles, linked down below.









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Always enjoy catching up on the Janser career stories. Been a while since I read one of these as have been busy working on my new player. Great article as always. Lots of great information and edited well. Links to past stories is always a plus in my books! Well done! 9/10!

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