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Hey. It's me.

The guy that stepped down from my role as London GM and then from my role as VHLM Commissioner within like 3 months.


The last time I wrote an article was to say I was taking a break, having just had a baby, and not really having the same passion for sim leagues as a whole. So I took a break of like 2 weeks and I'm sorta back already? I honestly don't know how active I'll be in the future, but for now, having no job, no actual responsibility, and just doing stuff whenever I feel like it has sort of reignited what made sim leagues fun for me for the past couple years. I've been hanging around on Discord, talking to people I hadn't talked to in a while, and now I sorta feel like possibly get back on the activity train. Like claim some stuff here and there, become the prototypical clicker+ player.


Just don't let me get a job again. Cause if I get a job, then I'll get two jobs, then I'll apply for a third one, and when I get denied because I just got back from burning out, I'll go in the EFL and PBE and I'll apply for jobs there. I have a problem. Don't let me get jobs. Just let me be a clicker+ that hangs around on Discord and shit.

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