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VHL Trivia - Ugh!


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Two weeks in a row not getting the trivia questions, so now I have to write an article to get my 2 TPE in to max out.  I could take the route of ragging on Brian Payne and waiting for his response, but its not worth it right now.  I will save it considering I saw him the other day walking into his local Curves Fitness Club wearing spandex with the zipper in the backside.  A frightful sight and I tried to rip my eyeballs out of my head.  Instead, I’m gonna write about what got me into this position of having to do a .com article, incorrect trivia answers.


WTF!  The questions I have gotten lately have been brutal.  I shouldn’t have to spend 20 minutes on a trivia question, and that’s my problem.  My attitude of not spending enough time to get the question right.  To make it even worse, I can’t remember the questions I got wrong so if I get them again, I will probably screw up again.  I dont mind doing a little math to figure out the answers, considering my sickness with numbers, but when I have to do the math and still get the answer wrong, it completely turns me spastic.  And there is no recourse.  I can’t go to an answer sheet to find out why my answer was wrong, which being numerically anal, I spend the next hour wondering what the F I did wrong.  So to all you trivia writers, thanks a lot!!


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12 minutes ago, Thunder said:

what the F I did wrong

That son is easy; You got an F!! LOL!!


I have found some of the new questions are a bit more difficult to answer since they are no longer sending you to either the HOF of the Forums or the Awards area of the portal. I have started guessing more and more myself but with better results so far as I think I only have had one wrong in the past few weeks.


And yes, I created two of the new questions so you are welcome!! 😆

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12 minutes ago, Beketov said:

When in doubt use the trivia discord channel and people will help you. It’s so rare to need to guess.

Where is the pride in getting the answer wrong and only having yourself to blame. I guess we could blame others if we actually tried to use the discord channel!! But that means we actually tried and didn`t just say F this and guess away!!! LOL!!

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