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I revamp the whole TPE earning System


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I revamp the whole TPE earning System


I have nothing better to write about and in before Beketov comes in and tells me how none of this will work and it is a horrible idea.


So, there is still a 12 TPE cap and there is a maximum of 6 TPE for minor point tasks, I also have not changed the Major Point tasks. These are still Media Spot, Podcast and Graphic, and the Pension/Welfare option.


This is my first change It will be what I call the Major+ point tasks, you can complete a Media Spot and if it is 700-1000 words you can claim the bonus words as a .com article. So instead of writing 500 words on a media spot and 300 on a vhl.com article you can combine the two and get 8 TPE for a 700-word article. If you use this method, you are not able to multiclaim weeks. So if you choose this you get the 8 TPE and next week you need to write something else. This works for both podcasts and media spots. With regards to graphics if your signature contains 2 or more players you can claim it as an 8-point graphic.


Currently we have the following minor point tasks

1.       VHL.com

2.       Trivia

3.       Press Conference

4.       Reviewing

5.       Game Reviews


I like the first 2 where they are currently, I would redo Press Conference and update Reviewing and Game Reviews


Press Conference would get changed to an interview, where two people complete a 200 word interview and both people get the TPE, hopefully this provides more in depth questions and answers.


Reviewing I would change so instead of just a score out of 10- you give three likes and three areas of improvement. Plus you can do up to three reviews a week but they must be on different types of Major point tasks i.e 1 for media spot, 1 on graphics and one on podcasts.


Game reviews are good as they are but I would like the person doing it to give a player of the match award and why they deserve it. Yes I know most people will give it to the first star but I like the idea of recognising the stars more. Plus if they disagree it would be a more interesting read.


Lastly, we have the career point tasks here is what I think they should be now.


1.       Life before VHL

2.       Rookie Profile

3.       Draft Board Prediction

4.       Career Summary


Life before VHL covers the journey from being a small kid to making it to the VHL. This can include any amount of personal facts as well as how they learned to play hockey and what made them want to go to the VHL. Essentially the backstory to the player.


Rookie Profile discuss what makes your player tick why they are good and where their weaknesses on the ice are. This should be completed after their first season.


Draft Board Prediction go through and analyse your player and where you think they should be ranked in the upcoming draft. If the draft has already occurred after one or more seasons you can do a redraft and explain with hindsight where you should have been picked.


Career Summary you can talk about your previous player and write a HoF-esque article about that player rating your awards triumphs and what you should have done differently if you had another chance.




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2 hours ago, Berocka said:


I revamp the whole TPE earning System


I have nothing better to write about and in before Beketov comes in and tells me how none of this will work and it is a horrible idea.


Should I just do that now before I read further?

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Always enjoy your forward thinking Berocka.  I agree with changing reviews for sure, they need to be more structured and less "easy" to word vomit.  Having a criteria to follow or something similar to how grading used to work to make reviews more structured would be best.  For example, I'm writing this post as a review right now and I'm literally just spewing - however make me give 3 likes and 3 improvements for this piece and I'm gonna be forced to comb it over again. Keep up the suggestion pieces! I'm sure one day Bek will eventually side with you on something.  Overall 9/10

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Review: This media spot was very refreshing to read and I love your ideas so far. You gave an explanation as to why you want some of the things to be changed as well. The article was well written and it wasn't hard to read. More bolding would have been welcomed tho. I like that you can claim the bonus words if you do a 700-900 media spot. Idk why we just can`t combine those two if you went way past the 500 minimum and it should be implmented




88 words

Edited by ThePerfectNut
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