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No panic yet in Vancouver


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Being off to a much weaker start then most expected, the Vancouver Wolves are showing no sign of panic yet in the locker room. From the outside looking in, it seems like everyone is still in high spirit and the morale is good. 

Vancouver were one of the favorites before the season started but find themselves playing .500 hockey early on in the season.


"It's just some growing pains as we had a lot of new players join in the off-season and along with me, we also have 3 rookies playing" said Henry " I think most teams would be panicking but our leadership group has kept the LR on the right path. We all know we will get better as the season goes along and I think we are just a few games away from finding that right chemistry"

Henry who went first overall has also struggled this season but promises the improve heading forward


"It will just take some time, can only go up from here" Henry mentioned as we were wrapping up the article

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