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Comparing Welfare to PT


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In a hopefully less volatile subject, let’s discuss PTs and welfare. The time between each season’s beginning is 10 weeks, meaning that, if you claim only the 6 TPE PT, your player will grow by 60 TPE by the start of next season, whereas only claiming welfare, you would be at 40 TPE, a 20 TPE, or a 2 week difference. Let’s assume your player will play for 8 seasons before retiring, meaning that the difference between welfare and PT is 16 weeks, or 160 TPE, losing basically a season and a half worth of PT TPE. Of course, one doesn’t purely claim just one thing. For free TPE, there’s practice (2 TPE for VHLM and VHLE, 1 for VHL), and training camp (10 TPE every season after being drafted to the VHL). So, claiming all free TPE along with either welfare or PT over an 8 season career will cap your player out at:

Welfare (4 x 10 x 8 = 320) + Practice ((2 x 10 x 4) + (1 x 10 x 4) = 120) + Training Camp (10 x 7 = 70) = 510 TPE


PT (6 x 10 x 8 = 480) + Practice (120) + Training Camp (70) = 670 TPE


Both end up creating a player who is a half decent VHLer, and be aware that there is some extra free TPE thrown around throughout a career. The question is: are PTs worth it? Over a career, maybe, but over a season or a few, not really. The effort put in for that additional 2 TPE is pretty varying as well. One could write 500+ words for the PT, or one could write 200+ for 2 TPE, or around 30-40 in a presser for 2 TPE as well. A 500 word article should not be worth the same as a single click and six sentences, yet it is. Putting in the minimum effort (2 clicks) makes you a half decent VHLer, putting in some effort leads to a slightly better half decent VHLer. Only full claiming makes a significant difference.

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Honestly it just depends on how fast you want your player to be good I feel. By your 5th/6th season you can have a great player just by doing welfare instead of PTs. I had my build finalized last season (my 6th season) and now I just do welfare and bank my TPE because that’s all I need to do.

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This is one of those things that's technically true, but the way things work tends to make it not an issue. There are very few members who consistently earn 10 TPE per week, every week, without ever missing. And the reason for that is simple: if you're invested enough that you're always earning that much, week in and week out, you're invested enough that you're probably also doing PTs. That's not to say that no one ever earns 10, but it's not like what we see in the optimized situation (with a welfare player ending up not all that far behind) is exactly what we get. There's usually a pretty decent disconnect between people who do PTs and people who don't in terms of performance, but that's also because the people who do PTs are also doing more of the other stuff. Personally, doing PTs also keeps me interested in doing the other stuff, because it makes me follow the league more closely and helps me put myself out there as a member.


I also think it's ultimately a good thing that it's possible to end up with at least a decent player without ever doing a PT. Some just don't have the time, some just happen to want to enjoy the league more casually, and some may even have a language barrier that makes writing or podcasting more difficult. At the end of the day, as long as someone is enjoying it, that's all that matters.

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