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Rookie initiation


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The Management and senior players of the Wolves recently devised a clever plot to initiate all the rookies who played with the Wolves this season.

The rookies thought they were going to hand out candy at a hospital when things suddenly turned weird and the rookies did not know what was going on.


"It felt like I was in a horror movie, I was not sure what was going on" Henry said "But when the senior players and management ripped of their masks we all knew what was happening. We all started laughing when we knew but the first few moments I think we were all scared"

While there are recent news reports of teams and players in other leagues doing horrible and cruel initiations for the rookies, the Wolves organization decided to do something fun that everyone involved enjoyed being a part of. All other leagues and teams should take note of proper initiations and come up with great ideas to make it enjoyable for everyone.


The rookies, who will be sophomores next season, are now tasked with planning the next team rookie initiation for the next crop of players coming up. We can't wait to see what they will come up with.

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