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How to handle comments that exclude others?


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Here is one idea: you encourage the excluded to stand up for themselves. If you have the time and you feel like it - stand up for yourself. If you don't have the time and/or you do not feel like participating - ignore it and move on with your day. On a general level - sounds obvious.


"But the world is full of so much hate and anger already, VHL should be a place where you don't have to feel like you are excluded". This is what happens when VHL actively recruits from TikTok and by working together with Youtube personalities that focus on SpongeBob, you get users who can not handle any type of "confrontation".


The worst is when users like that are selected to be moderators, and you give them the tools and power to hand out punishments. Time for a change? The reality is that VHL does not have enough users who even want the job in the first place. What you do have is cowards. They want power and glory, but when things go sideways - they are quiet. What kind of leadership is that? Imagine getting something wrong, and I mean truly wrong, think about the level of ego to still stay at your job after dropping the ball completely. Then they come back with: "we are all humans here, we all make mistakes".


We should judge these moderators based on whether they get the "hard" cases right, and they seem to be pretty bad at that, which is quite odd. All the moderator's vote, they look at the evidence, every moderator looks at the evidence on their own - then they vote. Then they get it wrong. How is that even possible? I am willing to bet that 50% of moderators do not even look at the evidence. They go by with what the vocal part of the moderator team thinks. They are simply bad at their jobs.


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