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6 Months in 1,000 words


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So we’re five weeks into Jesse’s rookie season in the VHL and so far so good, I think. Due to work and life I have definitely slowed down in some ways but I am still committed to reading along on Discord and claiming as much of that sweet sweet TPE as possible. Speaking of, Jesse has managed to move from their long standing 7th place among the S85 draft class up to 6th, passing Henry Tucker Jr in TPE. By my calculations it’s still going to take me a few months before I can pass Phil Strasmore so we’ll see how that goes over the next few seasons.


I am still enjoying it here even though my social life on discord has taken a bit of a hit. I am sure there’s a joke or two I have missed in the Moscow LR that Garsh @Garsh  wouldn’t have been surprised to see me suddenly pop in on. I am most active in the Marlins LR since as the AGM I am trying to be there for new players and earn that nonexistent AGM pay. I have managed to actually keep up with giving out Starfish of the Sim but lately due to Thanksgiving and getting engaged, I have had to do multiple days all in one go. But otherwise, I am still enjoying talking to those I do.


Speaking of being an AGM, I really do love my players and how amazing the Marlins are doing this season. Jacob @jacobcarson877 really did an incredible job with the draft and has brought in some really active members since then. Praise be to Simon.


I have also been thinking about what else I want to do in the VHL in terms of content and applying for jobs. For jobs, I have decided that I don’t have the personal time or the consistent energy needed to be a GM. After learning a lot from Shindigs @Shindigs and working alongside Jacob, I think I am a good learner and a good teacher, but I don’t think I would make a good leader. For starters, I work a job that has me working 10 hour days 7 days a week from March 1st to April 15th and I know that I can’t be a GM during that time nor should I go into the job before promptly dumping a month and a half on an AGM. So I think I am comfortable in the AGM position and am happy to help wherever and whenever I can. I also would like to get an updater job when they open up. I am on the site constantly and know it’s something I could check in on a lot. I did also apply for a mod position but nothing has come from that application and since I have only been here six months, I wouldn’t be surprised if I am still too new to really be considered for the job.


In terms of content, I have been thinking of giving podcasting a try. It’s crossed my mind the few times I have been too stuck to write a media spot or when I have no ideas for a graphic. But then I force myself to do one of those two because who wants to listen to me talk about the VHL when I still only know a handful of people. I do have a big interview with Lachlan Summers @kirbithan that I have been meaning to write for VSN but every time I think about working on it either I get busy or I just don’t have the motivation to write it. Which is so sad because I was really looking forward to it and then I just got some brain fog and it was all over. I still have my interview saved so maybe one day I’ll finally be able to sit down and write it. And yes I see the irony of me writing up a 1,000 word media spot right now but when it’s practically a stream of consciousness it makes it easier.


As for Jesse’s performance, I think they’re doing pretty well. I am happy with where I have been applying TPE and I think it’s definitely working. (Thanks Shindigs!) As of writing this, Jesse has a 7-3-1 record with one shutout. Their current save percentage sits at a comfortable 0.923 and their goals against average is 2.43. Compared to the other four backup goalies in the VHL, Jesse has played the second most games behind Thomas Price @Thunderidge (20), has the second highest save percentage behind Sam Tombstone @samthemancub (0.938), and is running middle of the pack in respect to goals against average. For a rookie season, I think it’s going pretty well and I am looking forward to seeing where we end up over the next few weeks. Honestly I feel good about how this is going. It feels good and I think it shows that Jesse is capable of holding their own against the big players. I am also glad and thankful that Dil @Dil is trusting Jesse to get the job done here and there. Earning a starting position is definitely a goal for Jesse and I am looking forward to seeing what I can do with them. I think for my first ever sim league player I’ve got a pretty good handle on it.


I think as far as my first six months in the VHL and my first go around with a sim league, all around it’s going pretty well. I have some consistent cheerleaders behind me and honestly this has been the most fun I have had in an online community in a long time. When people congratulate me on my engagement or wish me well when I post that I’m sick, the responses really feel so genuine and as someone who has been on the internet since before the MySpace days, it’s really refreshing to find such a positive community. 


I appreciate you all and I look forward to what the next six months has in store.


Oh and since I’m feeling like a real member of the community now:




1022 words for weeks ending 12/18/2022 and 12/25/2022

Edited by aimkin
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