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Attributes exceeding 100


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A good portion of the STHS attributes cannot actually be maxed. Even if you max out the stats, most of the attributes end up capping out short of a 99.9, which is by design. I don’t think you are supposed to exceed 100 in any attribute; however, there are a few exceptions, with one being exceptionally high. Out of all the attributes, there are three that exceed 100, whereas every other attribute caps out at either 93.46 or 99.4 (with a singular exception being Penalty Shot, which caps out at 87.52). The lowest of the over 100 attributes is passing, which caps out at 101.38. Not a useless attribute by any means, and having that type of super passing would definitely be beneficial to any team. The 2nd attribute is strength, capping out at 111.28. I’m not necessarily sure how useful strength is, but if you want to develop into a literal wall of adamantium, it surely is possible. Now, the highest attribute you can get, capping out at a ludicrous 140.98, arguably one of the most important attributes in STHS, leadership. That’s right: for the low low cost of 450 TPE, you can become the ultimate leader of men. In all honesty, it’s a bit odd that something that’s been deemed as useless like leadership exceeds something more important, like scoring for example, by almost 50 points. I guess some rebalancing of the attributes should be on the docket…

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52 minutes ago, Grape said:

In all honesty, it’s a bit odd that something that’s been deemed as useless like leadership exceeds something more important, like scoring for example, by almost 50 points. I guess some rebalancing of the attributes should be on the docket…

System essentially makes less important/valued attributes easier to get, while the more coveted ones are much more difficult to get. Add in that SC will max at around 93-94 in STHS to prevent having core attributes at 99's in our engine. It's been explained many times that STHS wasn't designed for that high attributes. So we made a conscious decision to set it up this way.

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1 hour ago, Grape said:

Now, the highest attribute you can get, capping out at a ludicrous 140.98, arguably one of the most important attributes in STHS, leadership. That’s right: for the low low cost of 450 TPE, you can become the ultimate leader of men.


I've been wondering what my recreate should be. Thank you for the inspiration for my center, named Team Player, coming in a few seasons.

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