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BREAKING NEWS: Siyan Yasilievich dealt to London


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BREAKING NEWS: Siyan Yasilievich dealt to London




Siyan Yasilievich leaving Davos after 4 seasons


At 10:35PM EST, Siyan Yasilievich was notified that he would be getting dealt to the London United along with a S89 2nd round pick. Davos in exchange would receive defenseman Mikhail Kovalchuk, a S89 3rd, and a S90 1st. Siyan has been the captain for Davos for 3 seasons now and getting traded is going to be a huge shock to the hockey world. However, this was something that was coming, because Siyan stated that he would not be resigning with Davos unless a cup was achieved. He wanted to eventually test free agency and see where he would land, but ended up getting dealt for assets in return instead of letting him walk away for free, a smart move by Davos. Siyan will be joining London tomorrow and will be skating with the team on Tuesday, where he'll meet some of his new teammates and endless possibilities open up for the defenseman that is in his prime. Siyan is coming off of a 94 point season, with having 71 assists, the most in the league. We asked Siyan his thoughts on being traded to London, especially with a newly appointed GM in @jacobcarson877, to which he said, "I'm excited for this opportunity that I've been given. Davos is a stacked team and it's very easy to look good on a team like that, but I want to be able to take a team that is right at the playoff line to the playoffs. I think London has something special going for them and the new GM Jacob, I have full trust in him. He's already got a great track record and I think he'll continue it in the VHL." Siyan will be looking to lead a London team that just barely missed the playoffs, hoping he can be the big piece the team needs to finally get into the post-season.




I just want to say something really quick, thank you @Alex for being my GM for all these seasons. You have done an exceptional job and I honestly think Davos has one of the best atmospheres in the entire VHL. I will always have praise for Alex and his time in Davos, building a team from scratch and taking them to the playoffs, a streak that still hasn't been broken yet. On top of that, the team looks exceptionally talented and will possible make another run to the finals next season. To everyone on the team, @Crstats23, @Thunder, @CowboyinAmerica and @Ahma especially, you guys were a blast in the locker room. It was so much fun to talk to you guys and I can't wait to face you guys on the other side of the ice in the coming season. It's time for a new chapter and I hope I'll see some familiar faces down the road! 

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