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If VHL teams were F1 teams


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Hi I am going to do a silly comparison between F1 teams and VHL teams. I will be basing it off the last three or so F1 seasons and the last 15 VHL seasons roughly cause that is where my knowledge lies.


  1. Redbull - Vancouver Wolves

With all the issues and drama surrounding the metawolves period of the VHL I think that rebull fits in well here. You either love the success the team is having or you hate them for winning or how they managed to win.


  1. Mercedes - Moscow Menace

They are usually battling with Vancouver in the championship and I think that there is no better comparison for Mercedes then Moscow as we have seen some tight battles between redbull and Mercedes we see the same back and forth between Vancouver and Moscow


  1. Ferrari - Seattle Bears

The prestigious one, everyone still remembers the glory days and whilst they haven't won as much as they use to you aren't surprised when they are battling for those top spots with Vancouver and Moscow.


  1. Aston Martin - Calgary Wranglers

They sort of came out of nowhere they haven't had any success of late and this season's was very much oh my goodness we have a chance. They brought it home so kudos to them.


  1. Alpine - Helsinki Titans

Well if these two don't fit well together I don't know who does. Both teams haven't really had much success of late and aren't making any news headlines for their play. But when you talk about contract negotiations everyone has an opinion on what Helsinki should have done to stop great talent they had from walking away.  


  1. McLaren - HC Davos Dynamo

You remember the golden days McLaren has always had. They are also a team who is always around you always think they will do well. But unfortunately by the time it comes to the end of the season they are always around the middle of the pack and haven't achieved as much as they set out to do.


  1. Alpha Tauri - Chicago Phoenix

Chicago even though being one of the newest teams it is still just known as that team with the one victory. Sure it's better than some of the others here but you'd never put your house on them to bring home the championship.


  1. Haas - LA Stars

We will spend money and lots of it and try and get the best players and equipment we can. Always at preseason you sort of look at them and go hmm maybe we could do that then when all is said and done they were never as close as anyone gave them credit for.


  1. Williams - New York Americans

If you speak to your grandfather he will tell you about the successes of the New York franchise that it use to be a pillar that the VHL was built upon but nowadays you couldn't imagine them even getting close. They promise to get back to their original glory but we will believe it when we see it.


  1. Alpha Romeo - Toronto Legion

This one is a bit of a stretch and kind of breaks my rules but oh my goodness do you remember the early '50s that's right Toronto was on top of the world they were the team to beat. Nowadays hmm less so but come on guys surely you remember the early '50s.


So that is my list let me know what you think and what you would change. Thanks for reading.


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Interesting idea and interesting read as I am also an F1 fan (sort of) since I won`t pay $40.00 per month to watch the sport on TV here in Japan.


I might have switched Vancouver to Mercedes due to the dominance but I think you decide to go with the three straight championship idea causing a rule change that took them time to recover from with current Championship form. 


And Davos being McLaren made me laugh due to the David Cars!!


Edited by Gaikoku-hito
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