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back from vacation aka another useless ramble


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Honestly the vacation completely shifted my mind from the sim leagues. It's been tough to get into the usual rhythm after traveling. And I'm not gonna lie, it remains to be seen if I actually can pull that off. I'm still not in good enough mood to talk much about VHL and stuff. It's just my second day in Riga since traveling as I was on my hometown tomorrow and today so all I can do at this point is yet another uninspired article. Mostly for affilate leagues.


Back in the days the current Riga record (especially at the start) would've made me mad. During my absence, however I had a rather a meh reaction instead of a rage. I think we're a good enough team to pull it off anyways even in a ultra competitive Europe conference. Though some problems are still there - trash PK, not so impressive PP and defensive play is just lacking as hell. Add my inability to be often available into the mix as the wifi connection in Montenegro was not great. And I was not willing to pay a shitload for my own connection. So here it is, the product of all of these things. In hindsight, the questionable wifi there was a blessing for me as it gave me more chances to be outside rather than spending my times with my phone. I certainly was having more fun by exploring new places. And spending my time on phone was getting boring real quick because of that. So you know what? Sorry not sorry. Being out of the net made this journey more fun for me.


Now that I'm back and still trying to get myself into this. I'm not sure what to tell. Not a good record. Not so much luck at the beginning though it's been a bit better as of late. Still ways to go and now that Tucker should have way better statline I think we will be back in it at some point. Clarke has been a pleasant surprise so far. He decided to take Weaver's bread and be a leader himself. The build change does some wonders I guess. Still waiting when the sim is gonna like Torq finally or maybe more lines changes needed. I don't know and I'm still lazy. Honestly it's been a unwelcoming surprise to see Preo and Weaver not having a good chemistry. Frenchman does still look as the more suitable partner for Weavs....and Clarke. Was thinking about reuniting Frenchman/Weaver/Sadie lineup, but if Clarke still has it why change then.


Some trade talks were happening, but I didn't care enough to have any panic movement. We'll see how it goes by the trade deadline and then decide. Vancouver did some changes bit they seem retooling anyways so I was not really surprised.


In overall, I still have a free week so maybe I'll use that time to stay outside more again. And then the summer coming....does that mean I'm on the hot seat already?


That's it and I'm out.

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