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Blame Cole!


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If you have a weak stomach you may want to stop reading this because it only gets worse.  Its about a recent discovery found on several online sites and it made me hurl.  Someone has taken things to a new low.  You might ask, “How low?” Well, let me tell you.  It’s so low an army ant would lose in a limbo dance.


Juan Ceson, @dylanjj37, has become victim to imitation sales of merchandise.  The official Juan Ceson logo is being replaced by a false logo, similar to the original trademark design but is lacking the quality that a true Juan Ceson product guarantees.  Even the Juan Ceson zoo animals are in danger of being disguised as fake.  As an example, the Juan Ceson zebra, white with black stripes, has been rented out to unsuspecting birthday goers as a maroon with tan stripes.


This leads me to the next question.  Who is responsible for this?  Some have questioned @Blazzer, but she has a good alibi.  Others have suspected @Viper, but he is loyal to Juan Ceson.  All leads; however, have pointed to someone who favors giving Las Vegas trouble and has the means and the motive.  It’s @badcolethetitan.  Blame Cole!


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I tried to stop Cole from selling fake Juan Ceson merchandise, and he went to far selling fake animals claiming he got them from the Juan Ceson zoo, but @badcolethetitanjust wants you to go to Mexico City.  Stay strong Juan.

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