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Ranking The 11 Tabs I Can See On The VHL Forum


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To clarify, I am talking about these tabs here. Your forum may vary because 1) I think resolution might push more of these into the "More" Tab, but not sure and 2) I changed it to green because I'm a maverick




11) More

All I've got under More is Leaderboard which I don't think I've ever used. If I do look at reaction based stuff, I usually look at the block at the right of the forum that has top 5 for day/week/month etc.


10) Create A Player

By no means a bad button, but I still maintain that there should be a standout clickable link under the Create a Player title on the forum (like the donations button) to direct you to where to create your player instead of this.


9) Teams

I very rarely use this (I usually just go to the team list section of the portal), but when I do I keep forgetting I need to click on that tab and only that tab to get the dropdown, which makes me feel like a lemon for all of 3 seconds.


8 ) Stats

I don't often use this because I've not been a fan of the individual leaders page since we started to split players stats after trades. Normally go straight to the index instead.


7) Browse

I know some people swear by viewing pages through the View New Content area, but it's just not for me, I just click around everywhere because I'm a silly goose. The only bit of this I regularly use is "Online Users", but I don't use this tab to get there (use the bottom of the forum).


6) Standings

I think this button is actually alright, but at the same time I feel like the main time I'm looking for Standings is directly after a sim, and when I check the VHL BOT posts for the sims, those give me a link to the standings anyway.


5) VHL Portal

It is useful, marked it down just because 1) The dropdown menus aren't used anymore and 2) I use the portal enough that typing "vhlp" into my address bar takes me there so I typically do that instead.


4) Events

It's a good tab that I do use regularly, but marking it down though because it's introduction has led to the end of something I appreciated having which was the off-season threads with the full list of off-season activities. 


3) Rules

The Rules are important.


2) Index

Use this tab a ton. 


1) Update Player

Truly the GOAT tab

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