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Very well done! The oil spill/color vibrancy shift from left to right really keeps the eye. And the grainy embers along the bottom with the reflective name really have me searching this image from top to bottom rather than just focusing on the player and clicking off. I think the Vancouver Wolves bit takes a bit longer to focus on and read but I fully accept that it could just be my sight with this font. Overall very good work, would love to see what you have cooking next. 

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I like this "grainy" style. I think the fact that you chose to use color on the left side but not on the right one fits really well with the style. I appreciate that you decided to make the face of the player pretty clear, instead of having the graininess on it. You did lose me a bit when it comes to reading the "Vancouver" part because I feel like it took me more time than it should have, but then again that might be a problem in my eyes. Overall it's a pretty solid graphic. 

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