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I actually sent the version of this song without Will Ramos to Fishy since it reminded me quite a bit of the 1975. Apparently Bilmuri is a solo act by the former frontman of Attack Attack! Interesting one-man band with some pop alt metal? Dunno, weird ass genre but the music is cool.


Honestly there's not much to talk about in the VHL. Offseason was exhausting for some reason, probably because of how much sort of got rushed at the last minute, plus traveling around the same time. I still have to create the scoring sheets and update the tracking threads for Super Coach and VHFL. I dunno if I'll get the motivation to do it this season though, it just might end up being an end of season payout.


In terms of sims, things are kind of just how I expect it really. The people I thought would suck, are sucking. The ones who I thought would be contending are contending. Not much else to really cover there, pretty predictable season so far.


The next time I post a VHL.com, I'll have broken the all-time TPE record. After I claim my affiliate checks and the 4x5 from this post, I'll be at 2100 TPE exactly, just 4 behind @CowboyinAmerica's record. Maybe I'll still retire at the TDL then if I have the record, or maybe I'll stick it out for the rest of the season to see how much higher I can set the bar. I heard @Renomitsu was recreating in this upcoming class so I'd love to be in it. But I really don't want to intentionally set myself behind in a draft class when I know I can top the draft class yet again. So that's a decision to be made, we shall see!

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