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Around the League in 500


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For this week’s Around the League in 500 words I want to talk about the standings race, some amazing teams, and some statistical beasts in both points and PIMS. 


As the halfway mark of the season approaches, the race in the standings is heating up, with Davos and Seattle teams leading the way with some impressive play.  Both squads have been consistently dominant on the ice. 


Davos, known for their strong defensive system with Jake Thunder @Thunder at the help has been a force in the EU conference. Led by Alexandre Leduc @Lemorse7, Jake Thunder, and Pete Mitchell @Crstats23they have showcased their ability to shut down opponents while also finding ways to light up the scoreboard. Could this be their year?  


Meanwhile, in Seattle, the local fans are witnessing a remarkable season so far.  Randy Bobandy @AJWand Hulk Hogan 2 @Hogan, two offensive dynamos, have been the driving force behind the team’s potent attack. Bobandy’s ability to set up teammates to find the back of the net with consistency has placed him in the league lead in assists. Seattle truly is an offensive powerhouse.



When it comes to points, both Daniel Janser and Perry Laperriere have been standouts. Sitting atop the league leaderboard with an astonishing 50 points (Laperriere) and 49 points (Janser) they have been catalysts for their teams’ success. Their ability to score on a nightly basis has propelled Calgary and Prague to their current standings. 


Now, while Janser and Laperrierre dominate on the score sheet, another duo has making headlines for entirely different reasons.  Riga forward Vasile Lamb @dlamb and Calgary defenseman, Phil Strasmore @Philhave become known for their physicality and willingness to drop the gloves, which always warms my heart. The two players have amassed 110 PIM (Strasmore) and 103 PIMS (Lamb). Their aggressive style of play has given their teams an edge in physical battles on the ice and added an extra layer of excitement to the game. 


As the season progresses, it will be fascinating to see how the league’s top contenders respond to the challengers that lie ahead. Can Davos maintain their defensive prowess and keep opponents like Moscow at bay? Will Seattle’s offensive firepower continue to light it up? Or will they fall to hungry and talented teams in Calgary or Vancouver?


While the performances of individual players are impressive, hockey, ultimately is a team sport.  The chemistry within a squad will be crucial as they vie for the rights to hoist the Continental Cup.  Time will tell if these top teams can hold on.


With the race in the standings tightening, every game becomes crucial, and teams must bring their A game every night. Fans across the league eagerly away SIMS as the halfway point approaches and games matter more and more. 


There is a lot of excitement in the league right now as teams jockey for position and players like Daniel Janser continue to add value to his legacy and almost certain Hall of Fame nomination.  


Until next week




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