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if FRESCOELMO was commissioner for 1 day


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Just remember for a brief period I WAS a commissioner in a previous life for a different sim league, and that league failed miserably once I was granted ultimate power, so for everyone's sake let's hope this does not happen.


1). Add injuries to the sim - look at all of these BOTS just riding pine and watching their fellow teammates get 25-30 minutes per game. B-DAV D5 is pissed.  Add injuries and fatigue to the game so it is actually realistic.  Right now every player in the VHL is an ironman apparently and are all descendants of CLARK KENT.


2). Bring back forum chat - this has gone on FAR too long.  I have very little use for the forum outside of the 30 seconds it takes me to update weekly (kekw emoji) and making sure people aren't creating MULTIS.


3). Remove welfare/pension - at this point we might as well give every member TWO WEEKS paid vacation.  Christ.  We need to roll back to the times where members were rewarded for EFFORT and not spamming discord.


4). Bring back grading - one thing I learned as a younger VHLer is that you all SUCK at writing.  I also suck at graphics.  BUT.  This was a great way to give members (particularly newer ones) responsibilities and some added TEEP.  Unfortunately we don't have AGM roles for everyone.


5). Bring back meme mutes - it was much easier to moderate when you could just tell someone to shut the fuck up, without actually telling them to shut the fuck up.  Respect to the OG @Quik, who is probably in Albania at the moment.


6). Ban relocating franchises - every goddamn general manager wants their team to be THEIRS.  Which apparently means you have to move the franchise that was handed to you to some broke ass 'hockey town' in a place no one cares about.  /oldmanrant


7). Add promotion/relegation - this will get a lot of 'omg too much work' responses.  But I am the commissioner.  Reward managers who actually try and give them a shot at managing in a better league, while demoting the ones who consistently struggle.


8). League-wide one job enforcement - I will hire someone to make sure that members are only allowed one job.


9). Lower media spot word minimum - I am running out of things I would do as a commissioner and this would be a good time to end the article.


10).  Bring back VHL SUMMIT - this only kind of happened once (twice?) but I propose a public hangout/meeting in a non-Ohio city to do non-VHL things (must be 21 to enter).  This happened with me and fong last year and it was very fun.  We basically just ate at every Chinese restaurant in Chicago.


11). Remove myself as commissioner - now that the VHL/VHLE/VHLM is in a full-blown tailspin, I will step down as the leader of the league for someone honestly a lot more suitable... 






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