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Rashford Sees Reduced Ice Time


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After a good start to his career culminating in being part of the playoffs MVP discussion during the Philadelphia Reapers championship run in Season 88, things seem to be in decline for the youngster out of England. Looking at his point-per-game production thus far, including 23 goals, it may not appear as if anything were wrong. However, the last two games have seen a marked reduction in opportunity to the tune of 14 minutes per game of ice time. When asked about it, Rashford had this to say: "It's tough to see the coaches losing faith in me. I know we've had a lot of new guys that joined the team recently who we are trying to work into the lineup and the goal is to win a championship here again. I am slightly worried that I won't be as sharp for the playoffs - along with a lot of the other guys - as it's tough to build momentum on such a small amount of ice time per game. Also being playing on my off wing is a big adjustment and will take some time to get used to. At least we know we'll always have a chance to win with Herzy backstopping us, he's been such a dominant force." There is still a decent chunk of the season left for Rashford to gain more trust of the coaching staff, but we can only imagine it'll get worse before it gets better.

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