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The E has a Scouting Problem


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A lot of people hate on the VLHE, some for no reason at all really, except that it’s kind of “trendy” to do so. And while a lot of the hate directed towards the league is irrelevant and done more so as a joke than legitimate disgruntlement, there are valid reasons. One of these reasons revolves around their draft, mainly, the GMs and scouting. Now, I can’t speak for all players, but from what I’ve seen and heard, there are a decent amount of players that have seemingly been passed over by the VHLE GMs and haven’t had any contact with any team in the league, maybe by 1 or 2 teams informally, but for the majority of the league, it’s radio silence. I understand that not every GM has oodles of picks like Vasteras and a lot of players aren’t necessarily in their pick range, but an effort should still be made. It is incredibly disheartening, for new players especially, to receive practically no interest from where their next step to the VHL is. There was a problem with inactives in the league and that’s why the league contracted from eight to six, and while the TPE range that the E inhabits is where most people generally fizzle out, the GMs aren’t doing themselves any favors in maintaining interest. This isn’t a me specific problem. I’ve only been reached out to by 2 teams but I’ve made it pretty clear that I plan on skipping anyways. This is a problem for the whole draft class. Personally, a GM should reach out to every player, whether they’re in your range or not. It shows interest, and it shows that you actually care. From what I’ve seen, the E appears to be filled with GMs that are content with claiming job pay and not much else. Scouting is an integral part of the job. Do it.

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You've got to remember there are 6 E GMs vs. the 16 in the VHL, so nearly triple.


If a lot of these guys are getting contacted by 2 E GMs, that's the equivalent percentage as if 5 or 6 VHL GMs reached out. I can tell you with certainty that most of these players did not have more than 5-6 VHL GMs reach out to them this season as well.


Not excusing the behaviour because I think the total should be more like 4-5 GMs in the E and 10-12 GMs in the VHL in an ideal world, but just trying to avoid the unnecessary shitting on the E that you mention.

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6 hours ago, Enorama said:

If a lot of these guys are getting contacted by 2 E GMs, that's the equivalent percentage as if 5 or 6 VHL GMs reached out. I can tell you with certainty that most of these players did not have more than 5-6 VHL GMs reach out to them this season as well

Definitely understand that, and that's where some of my ignorance is shown. I was reached out to by I think 10 or so VHL teams and since I didn't see really any complaining on the VHL draft side of things, I felt that it was roughly the same for most others. The size of the E plays a pretty big factor in the perception of scouting and whatnot. Being scouted by 2 teams doesn't feel as good as being scouted by 6, but both are about a third of the VHLE and VHL respectively. My personal perception with scouting is also fairly warped since I like to go and scout pretty much everyone, whether they're in my range or not and I know that's pretty strenuous and not many others do that.


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