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Kadachi finds himself back in Houston


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The Houston Bulls will have at least one familiar face from last season. The S90 VHLM Dispersal draft was an interesting one, it saw some rather high rated players drop quite a bit, two of which ended up in Houston. Toby Kadachi was rated higher than several of the players taken before him but almost slid into the third round, being taken at 19th overall. Joshua Schwarzer is just as surprising if not more so, taken 29th overall in the third round he was higher rated than everyone in the second round expect Kadachi. While they're not the only ones it does leave us to ponder why they slid down as much as they did. Most of the General managers must have been pretty dead set on who they were taking, or maybe they were making picks more based on what they need than how highly rated they are? Like taking a blue liner because they need to fill up on the defence instead of a forward who is higher rated, we can only really guess as to why it happened, regardless for Houston they managed to snag some top players for the upcoming season


Speaking of Houston it will be a challenging season for the team. New management took over from last season, STZ as he is well known as, inherited a team lacking picks and players after the team went all in last season. We've already covered how that went, the team ended up out in the first round as they couldn't figure out how to beat a vastly inferior Ottawa team. We don't know how much time STZ had to prepare for the drat but Kadachi landing back in Houston is strange but not unwelcome for the Russian left winger as we did enjoy his time there. The real question is what is STZ's long term goals? None of the current forwards are centers or right wingers meaning some players will be playing positions they're not entirely comfortable with. And they only have one notable blue liner in Destroyer. So the question has to be asked, does STZ look at trading players near the trade Dead line? It's possible he could look to acquire but unless other VHLM teams are struggling as well it's hard to see the Bulls going far in the playoffs, if they can even make it there this season.


For Toby Kadachi this does mean a lot of ice time as the team will no doubt be giving a majority of it to their best players, this means lots of points for Toby if he can find his scoring touch in the VHLM. Kadachi has already been practicing at the team's rink with his new line mates. STZ will surely be busy looking to pick up a few players, preferably completely new players to the VHL so he doesn't have to give up any draft picks. We'll have to wait and see what his strategy is. Regardless of all of that we look forward to the upcoming season seeing what the team is able to do and what each player can achieve, we'll see you all soon rink side.


(word count 527)

Edited by ROOKIE745
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Love seeing you back in Houston, but you’re pretty much dead-on with your assessment. We will do everything we can to get our team competitive, but we really didn’t have the assets to do it easily. We will work together to make sure Kadachi has a good season and finds himself in a position to make a cup run, even if that is outside of Houston.

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