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We have all witnessed a great deal of injustice. User LastOneUp was given a two-week TPE ban for using the work of another user to create a similar article of their own. According to the authorities of VHL, LastOneUp violated section 1.2 of the Code of Conduct, which says: "All point tasks to be claimed for TPE, including but not limited to, graphics, article posts, and podcasts must be original content. This includes the use of AI assistance".


I next kindly ask you to analyze the following images I found from the Graphics section, selected randomly:




On the surface, the premise in all three looks very similar: a hockey player and a name. The effects and coloring are technically different in all three, but they still follow the same style, "wild", "shiny", and "energetic" could be used to describe all three. The pictures of the hockey players were almost certainly not taken by the users who created the graphics, so a level of plagiarism is involved in all three. The premise, followed by the wild, shiny, and energetic effects is shared by the majority of the graphics posted in the graphics section, another level of plagiarism is involved as all three follow the standard of what is widely accepted.


LastOneUp according to their own words used the info found in the article(s) to learn and to rewrite another version. If you now move your eyes above and look at the pictures again, are these graphics truly unique work, are they original content? Or are they attempts to learn and attempts to make another version of something made before?


It is time to put a stop to this circus and let LastOneUp update freely. It is time to start asking more from the Graphics creators.



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