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Effort: 2/2 - Yes sir.


Look: 2.75/3 - Very close to a 3. Render and text is great, but the bg doesn't quite complement the rest very well. As well as that, the right side feels a bit empty, if the render and text were shifted over a bit it would have helped.


Creativity: 1/1 - Nice colouring.


Total: 5.75/6

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Effort: 2/2 - Blending, lighting, text, coloring, effects, you definitely have it.
Look: 2.75/3 - I'm not a fan of the text here but the rest I have nothing to complain about. The effects and coloring are pretty good especially on the render.
Creativity: 1/1 - Yeah
Total: 5.75/6
Final: 6
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