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Hello and welcome to my VHL discord review. This was done at the request of the olds boys club, to return the league to the glory it once had.


Starting with text channels, a common complaint I see is that general chat is a dead chat room. We can solve this by folding most of the "non-league related" channels. If all the leagues have a dedicated chatroom that are used regularly, their is simply no reason for "non-league related" chats to happen outside of general. The following channels should be DELETED: gaming-kranchland, anime-movies-shows-geeks-media, truck-central, puppers-and-friends-spam, vhl-health-club, fantasy-sports, and vibe-music. These channels are spreading out the conversation of VHL's dying community where nobody will interact with them because we all have the channel muted. By moving them to general, they all contribute to a channel we all read (don't lie you fucking fraud) and are active conversations for the community! We should also fold #jeopardy and move it to the dome. We should also fold #riotgames, and have the "league of legends" "players" use a voice chat text channel instead, so as not to confuse real VHL members.


Moving to voice chats, a shell of its former self, only sees people "playing" "league of legends" in voice chat, when other games use to thrive, such as Golf With Your Friends, or Rocket League. My solution is to mandate moderators spending a minimum of 2 hours a week interacting with the community (NOT the "league of legends" "community" that has infested VHL chat) If they're getting paid 6 TPE a week, they need to make the time somehow, at least until my revived general chat is back to needing more then just fresco 7:30am-4pm and Fong 4pm-3am. I do much more work as a VHLE GM (which is very little) for only 2 TPE.


I think the main issue is that there just isn't anything interesting enough to draw in new members.  The old heads are the only ones that even remotely use it and they mainly use it to entertain each other.  Most are also not as entertaining or engaging as they think they are.


Folding other non VHL chats in might work briefly but eventually the chat will contain disjointed conversations that most don't want to participate in.


Good write up though!  Appreciate what you do in the E especially!

Edited by Triller
19 hours ago, rory said:

Moving to voice chats, a shell of its former self, only sees people "playing" "league of legends" in voice chat, when other games use to thrive, such as Golf With Your Friends, or Rocket League. My solution is to mandate moderators spending a minimum of 2 hours a week interacting with the community (NOT the "league of legends" "community" that has infested VHL chat) If they're getting paid 6 TPE a week, they need to make the time somehow, at least until my revived general chat is back to needing more then just fresco 7:30am-4pm and Fong 4pm-3am. I do much more work as a VHLE GM (which is very little) for only 2 TPE.


I think you forgot about me... I'm on the discord from 8am-3pm every day too...

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