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Where are the pancakes?


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If you ask me one of the worst things about browsing the internet is having to see something you do not want to see. Categories and the search function are standard in most sites. These elements are for those who browse the internet at work, on a bus, or on their way back home from Church. If someone saw your search history or saw you click to whatever category, they would, at worst, think you are weird: "This person, what is that? Here and now?".


We all know that usually the good stuff can be found by going through what is posted and shared most recently. The content is pure, honest, and real. If someone sees you consuming the content, the good and the bad, they would at best think you are weird. The problem is that by going through what is posted most recently you are forced to see content that makes you feel a bit weary and maybe even scream from being so uncomfortable, but then again the reward of finding something you did not even think was out there makes the whole experience worth it. You also get addicted to the "what could be out there today?" - type of thinking, because there is no way to know for sure what you will see when you look over the most recent content. You could see anything!


You hope to find the pancakes in the sea of potatoes, and the bad content is a key part of the whole experience by making good and surprising content hit you with more power, but at some point, you need to ask yourself: "Is having to go through this many potatoes worth it?". That is how I am feeling right now when I also browse VHL. I see nothing but potatoes and they are called "Town of Salem #29". I browse and I browse, just waiting to find the good stuff, but the pancakes are between the potatoes, buried under a big pile of potatoes.


Activity is great, posting is great, but not like this. What used to be a mixed bag with potential for surprises is now a site for 95% of nothing but potatoes. Where are the pancakes?

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Damn, so much hate on taters.  They can be so much and do so much!  You can power a light with one or make it into fries.  Enjoy the potatoes, there are only so many pancakes you can eat before you start to feel the lack of variety.

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