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Claimed:November 17-23.[Final 5/6]


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Effort: 2/2 - Put a lot in here, nice work.


Look: 2.25/3 - Good work on the jersey change, for starters. Overall it isn't bad, but there's some things that I think will help you a lot. First, try to keep the focal on your render. It's okay to add the team's logo, but I usually keep it small and aligned with the text. Next, try to use simple fonts, and let your stock work make the text look cool. Keep up the improvement.


Creativity: 1/1 - Nice colouring.


Total: 5.25/6

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Effort: 2/2 - Definitely enough effort here.

Look: 2.25/3 - I have to second what Jackim said, the text needs improvement and the logo is too big. Make sure the render is the focal point of the sig and is aligned with the text properly, otherwise it throws off the balance. I'd suggest moving the render to the brighter part of the sig, then simplifying the text and moving it a bit up and to the right. Just try to focus more on stock work and you'll improve.

Creativity: 1/1

Total: 5.25/6


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