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Theme Week Ideas


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Hi all let us talk about the ideas I have for the upcoming theme week


1.       April Fools Jokes


Yes I know we just had the one with Josh embezzling all of the league funds as well as Beketov not being able to pay bills due to his opium addiction but what else could we do in the future? Look I know that broadcasting what the joke will be in the future is like the worst idea for a joke but lets here what you have to add. Or maybe you talk about what we have done in the past and if you thought it was a good idea or not.


2.       Hall of Mediocre

Who were players that played a full career and updated regularly but didn’t achieve much, write about what they did and how they could have achieved more if they had built differently signed elsewhere or if they had slightly better teammates. Like could Kunibuni UnGuri been one of the greatest goalies the league has ever seen if he played for someone other than Davos in his career. If Jerry Garcia was drafted to the Seattle Bears and been a part of the dynasty there could he have broke into the Hall of Fame


3.       Rule Changes

Do you have anything that you want to see the VHL add, no it doesn’t have to be realistic. Like could it be that teams that don’t make playoffs need to add two people to the latest PGA 2K game and the best golfers receive the best draft pick. Do we need to retire teams when GMs that have achieved more than 500 wins retire. Do you put anyone who has been banned into the VH Jail League and they need to win a cup before they are allowed to play back in the normal VHL. Let me know what crazy wacky changes you would make.


4.       Trade of the Season

So usually trade deadline is pretty quiet and there is only a few small trades here and there, but make a blockbuster trade that would rock the boat come playoff time. Give us your craziest predictions on what trades would make and break each team. Could a wildcard team with the right pick up suddenly become a cup favourite. Does a team that is rock bottom suddenly sell everything and look to the future. Tell me what you think would fill the forums full of forum content if this trade happened.


5.       Offseason Shenanigans

There have been people wanting to get the off season tournaments more hype around them. How would you go about doing this do we need to abolish them all? Should we make a new one, should there be a knockout cup based on all teams in one big tournament. You tell me how you think we could make the offseason great again where people aren’t just waiting for the next season to start they are waiting for the season to end as the offseason is where you want to be.


Let me know of the 5 ideas which is your favourite and if Beketov choses one of these ones my fee is 2 TPE this season.



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2 hours ago, Berocka said:

Let me know of the 5 ideas which is your favourite and if Beketov choses one of these ones my fee is 2 TPE this season.

Fun fact: I had that post scheduled since last night so it was already written several hours before this.

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