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"Diacope is not guilty of breaking conduct item 1.5. Diacope is guilty of making us feel and think..."


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One more member of VHL has been thrown to the wolves - " user Diacope has received an indefinite ban per code of conduct item 1.5." The suits state the user has frequently broken the mentioned item 1.5, which is titled: "Drama, Fighting, and Trolling".  What has been said and/or done is not explained. I was curious, so I decided to listen to the cold streets of VHL in the hopes of finding clues and hints that could explain the decision to ban an active member of VHL.



What I found was interesting. By the looks of it, the user is a notorious anti-masker and possibly a Covid-denier. Evidence one shows user Diacope asking an anonymous user if they are ugly, a clear statement against the need to wear masks for any other reason than to hide your face. As we all remember and know, one of the main reasons the masks are worn is Covid, so when the user questions the need to wear masks they are also questioning Covid. They continue by stating: "at least I'm not hiding my face", an attempt to soften the blow caused by the first comment as user Diacope is showing they are vulnerable and "real" by showing their face to the whole world, they are not afraid,  the goal clearly is to encourage the anonymous user to open up about their views about masks and Covid.   


A final attempt to get the anonymous user to open up comes by reminding how the anonymous user has "been here longer too". A reference to the age of the anonymous user and how they were an adult well before the Covid pandemic started. Generally speaking, younger people are expected to follow the crowds and do as they are told. Those who are older are expected to think for themselves. User Diacope is saying the anonymous user "should know better" as they have been here longer too. A jab against Covid and the masks as user Diacope is questioning how the anonymous user can be so up in arms about the masks despite having the experience and knowledge that comes purely from age alone. Frustrated by the lack of responses user Diacope almost encourages the anonymous user to "report me already". In this case, reporting means reporting user Diacope to the suits as these types of discussions in VHL are not something the suits hope to see. The encouragement is also an apology, user Diacope is saying: "Sorry for speaking and asking these questions". To me, these comments clearly show one thing: user Diacope is not afraid to question the narratives spread by the media. Understandably, not everybody is comfortable participating in discussions that could be described as political, but is it enough to ban someone?


In the second piece of evidence, I have carefully censored a word that could lead to the user that user Diacope is referring to. User Diacope states a previous approach on a signature was "little racist". As a white man and after seeing the signature user Diacope is referring to, I think user Diacope got this one wrong. It was not racist. But once again - is something like this enough to ban someone?


Unfortunately, the world we live in is scared of hot babes asking questions and being something else than pretty and quiet. Diacope is not guilty of breaking conduct item 1.5. Diacope is guilty of making us feel and think perhaps for the first time in a long time.



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Just now, N0HBDY said:

Let’s be real, ruutu already had the title, you were just trying to claim it


Yeah I can't disagree there

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