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Running out of Graphic ideas? Start a series !

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Running out of Graphic ideas ? Start a series !


I'm sure some of us have probably once reached a point where we wanted to make a graphic for a point task, but didn't have any idea what to do. Well, there's an easy solution to that ! The name of the article pretty much reveals everything, you've guessed it: I suggest starting a series / collection. 



That way, every week when you prepare to do your point task graphic, you already have an idea to build upon. You will save yourself minutes of reflexion for a while !  There's plenty of different ideas you could pick from, i'll even provide a couple later. I also find that it's an awesome way to link all of your work together on the forum. Personally, I love going trough people's portfolio and seeing a tendency, a concept etc. it makes me interested in keeping up with the next graphic in the theme and exploring the entire series.  It is something that can be associated to you, other members might remember those and go "Oh [insert member name], that's the person that does [insert series]" which in return could help you connect more with other members who recognizes you from that and causes you to stand out in a way. Being associated to something will make people remember you more and if your goal on the forum is to interact with a bunch of people and socialize this helps a lot. It's kinda been a thing for me with my VLG'ed Gifs back when I did them.



It is like an adventure, an objective, etc. I've decided to start one myself, i'll be replacing album covers with VHL related graphics. My media spot for the week is the first inning based on DAMN. by Kendrick Lamar. 


When I mentionned that possibilities were endless, it's an understatement. So many routes and even for one particular route there's other small branch depending on what you choose to do ( different persons, teams, etc.). Here's a list of ideas i've thought about in just a couple minutes of reflexion

- a player on vacations ( every edition he's infront of another city / monument )

- Hockey / HUT cards 

- Mascots

- Captains (a graphic of every team's captain with like a massive C and each week you do a different team's captain)

- Goalie masks

- Logo redesign

- Draft graphic ( for every player you put the team they were drafted by, draft position, etc. and complete the draft class/ round) 

- Legend ( a graphic of every team's legend ( one or many)) 

And that's just a few !


Edited by vincentlg2007
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Just wish we had a 'player render' field on our player pages, so graphic makers knew what render a person uses, would make graphic making easier to just come up with things on the fly :) 

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2 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

Just wish we had a 'player render' field on our player pages, so graphic makers knew what render a person uses, would make graphic making easier to just come up with things on the fly :) 

You can always ask but I just usually go ahead and do one using whoever I wanted and left the number as it was.  If you put in the time then I can't imagine a normal person here complaining about it.

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1 hour ago, Triller said:

You can always ask but I just usually go ahead and do one using whoever I wanted and left the number as it was.  If you put in the time then I can't imagine a normal person here complaining about it.

Thats exactly my problem, i dont want to ask :P  If they have a render i don't like or can't find nice images of, i rather not make a sig. 
And to be fair, if someone would make me a sig of my player with a different render, sure thanks, but i probably would not end up using it.

So for me it's a double edged sword and i'm happy for the leagues where this information is available (pbe / shl / isfl ) to make graphics.

Edited by OrbitingDeath
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1 hour ago, OrbitingDeath said:

if someone would make me a sig of my player with a different render, sure thanks, but i probably would not end up using it.

If anyone makes my player anything I am happy and thankful!  I have the SIG's turned off anyways to reduce forum clutter but I keep every one that has been made for me.


I don't even use a consistent render when I make my own player and when I do it is in 3D anyways.

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