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Having recovered from food poisoning and a week of dealing with North Americans in Mexico I am back in the safe and cool embrace of the English winter and my sleep deprived mind has the following to say.


- there were some trades. The one that sent Ben Laas to Riga for a 1st was very odd. Lemorse GMs like he knows something we don't for example that the world will end before he needs to rebuild


- Standings seem to be about where they need to be. Sucky teams suck and the good teams alternate good runs with slightly more disappointing ones so are all in too close to call at the moment. Key question is whether New York will change the course of history and get back in the playoff spots - the franchise just can't seem to catch a break.


- My player has continued to be reliably mediocre but I have a bit of banked TPE to decide how to spend now. That's one for a not jetlagged brain to figure out though.

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