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Claimed:The Pajodcast Player Agency: Part 4 [Final: 6/6]


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The Pajodcast Player Agency: Part 4

Opening a Rift


The elevator doors finally slid open now that the plot had finished advancing, and Rift found himself on a snowy field. Rift's Soliton Radar pointed him to a building across the field, with an access hatch at ground level. Between Rift and the tunnel was a helipad covered in floodlights, 5 or 6 guard and a half dozen security cameras he'd need to avoid.



I mean....do I even need to explain...


Rift made his way across the field, keeping an eye on the radar the whole time. He was able to time to floodlight rotations to sneak across the helipad without being seen, stay in the cameras' blind spots, and avoid the guards. Along the way Rift hid in a truck, where he found an unused Socom Pistol. 


Rift quickly made his way across the rest of the field, shooting anyone who got in his way. When he arrived at the hatch he encountered a small problem. There was a camera between him and it, and there wasn't a blindspot for him to utilize. Rift briefly considered his options. He could call Sullivan and ask for help, but that would lead to a long conversation which was unlikely to be any help whatsoever. Option B was to look around for something that would help him pass the cameras.


RIft decided to call Sullivan anyway, just to make sure, before taking matters into his own hands. Skylar raised him on the Codec.


"Skylar, you should consider looking around for supplies  You might find somethi-"


Rift cut the connection off at the source, "God damn it Sully."


After finding a box near a wall, Rift opened it to find Chaff grenades, which would disable electronics temporarily. Rift returned to the hatch and primed a grenade, ready to throw it and disrupt the camera for long enough to enter the hatch. As soon as Rift pulled the pin, his mind immediately turned to other thoughts.


"Man, fuck malls. Malls are seriously the worst places on the face of the Earth. Only place that even come close are strip malls, because those are like malls, but you have to go outside to change stores. Who wants to go outsi-"


The chaff grenade then detonated in Rift's hand, flipping him end over end while disabling all the electronic equipment in the vicinity. Rift scrambled to his feet, dashing to make it to the hatch before the camera became operational again. Upon entering the hatch, Rift made his way into the ventilation system, making his way toward Marcellin's location.


Along the way, Rift paused above the cell next to Marcellin's. He looked down and saw a woman casually doing pushups in her underwear. Rift hung out there for a while, until Sullivan called him on his codec.



Clark Marcellin: Prison Bitch


"What are you doing Skylar? You've got work to do."


Rift responded aggressively, "Can it Sully, I'm gather intel before I drop in on Marcellin. Let the professional handle this."


Sullivan sighed, "Whatever you saw Casanova. Whatever you say."


Eventually, Rift moved forward, and found himself above Chief Marcellin's cell. Rift, slowly slid the grate back, before dropping down into the darkness.


Continued in Part 4...

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  • Head Moderator

Content: 3/3 - Surprisingly short by Jericho standards, this piece was quick and eventful.  Quite a bit of action.  Can't wait to read part 5, although I need to catch up and read parts 1 and 3.  Could have been a bit longer but there was good information.  ~540.


Grammar: 1.75/2 - Some easy ones

5 or 6 guard and = 5 or 6 guards and

him and it = he and it (marginal)

for supplies  You = for supplies.  You

Chaff or chaff = which one?

I'm gather intel = I'm gathering intel



Appearance: 1/1 - A little more color would do ;)



Edited by frescoelmo
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Content: 3/3

Amusing, full of action, and you hit the word count. It's getting very, very loosely related to VHL now though.  I recommend hockey-related weapons in your next instalment, not because you have to, but who doesn't like gimmick weapons?


Grammar: 2/2

Frescoelmo got the majority.  Except this bad boy:


Continued in Part 4...  - Isn't this part 4? 


Appearance: 1/1

It works


5.75/6 & 6/6 = 6/6 overall.

Edited by pxzero
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Don't worry about the lengths, I'm just ending at natural transition points.


This'll be going for a while. After I finish ripping off Metal Gear it'll be on to new and exciting things. 

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