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Claimed:Big workload too much for the kids.


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Komarov carrying the workload.


The Dynamo are a struggling young team little to no veteran help which means the rookies need to step up there game and take on roles they may not just be ready for. The guys they are leaning heavy on are Joshua Rubin, Vladimir Komarov, Kurtis Hunter, and Glifford Shock. The results are what you would expect from a young team with little to no depth. The Dynamo season is all but a write off at this point but they are still looking towards the future with many young guns still honing their games in the minors.




That being said this season hasn't been a total waste of time and there have been a few bright spots on the team so far. Hunter has 20 points this season well that isn't anything special when you consider how little help he has it makes it more impressive. He leads the teams offense whille the young Shock continues to grow into what many hope he will become. Shock is the youngest player on the roster. The season 41 draftee elected to stay up in the majors rather than hone his game down in the minors. This has had mixed results so far. He started off hot but cooled down rather fast showing he is still very raw but that the potential is there. Rubin currently sits third in team scoring from the back end and leads the team in shots blocked, He has continues to hone his skills but some questions raise if he can be a top end defender but his progress has been rocky but there is still plenty of time for him to grow.




Komarov had slowed progress for a few weeks when he wasn't seen working as hard as he usually is, but the report came out that Komarov had been suffering from a rather big flu bug and everything would be back to normal. He has been the back bone of the Dynamo defense he currently sits second in team scoring with a decent amount of shots blocked, However there has been obvious signs that maybe hes not ready to carry the full work load. His progress offensively has been solid but the Dynamo would like to see him get back to his roots as a defensive defender, Hopefully as the team grows deeper he can go back to focusing on what he has done so well for so long. We fully expect to see as the season progresses the same old Komarov and come next season we expect he should be the back bone that helps carry the Dynamo back into the playoffs and hopefully in a few seasons to a few cups.



Right now Komarov may just be the victim like the few on his team of being asked to do to much too fast but once the Dynamo can add some veteran help to the young core we expect we could hear Komarov's name potentially go up for a few awards in the coming years.

Edited by Gooningitup
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Content: 3/3

Yeah, the Dynamo are having a tough year, but they'll do great after that s41 draft pays off!


Grammar: 1/2


There were a lot of errors.  Some were just missing commas, but there were run on sentences, lack of punctuation and some weird wording.  The ones that really did me in, were the wrong punctuation - commas where periods were needed, and whatnot.
I think a quick proofread could have caught most of these!

  • struggling young team little with to no veteran help, which means the rookies need to step up their game - lots of errors in this sentence
  • Glifford Shock - Gifford Shock, no L. 
  • That being said, this season hasn't been - commas
  • Hunter has 20 points this season. Well, that isn't anything special when you consider how little help he has - it makes it more impressive. - fixed the sentences for readability
  • blocked, However - three ways to fix. Either "blocked. However," or "blocked, however," or even "blocked; however,"
  •  rather fast, showing he is - comma
  • blocked. He - wrong punctuation. Period, not comma. 
  •  He has continues to hone - wordingeither He continues, or he has continued. 
  • but some questions raise if he can be a top end defender but his progress has been rocky but there is still plenty of time for him to grow. - oddly worded/ run on sentence. 
  • the Dynamo defense. He currently - break the sentences up
  • that maybe he's not ready - missing apostrophe
  • defensive defender. Hopefully as - wrong punctuation, need a period.

Appearance: 1/1


Looks good

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  • Senior Admin

Yeah we are all on christmas vacation :P


Content: 3/3

Nice write up, it's too bad the Dynamo are struggling this year but in a few years I'm sure you guys will be deadly.


Grammar: 1/2

See above.


Appearance: 1/1

Lookin good.


Overall: 5/6

FINAL: 5/6

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