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Claimed:Wingate ranks VHLM Draft destinations [Final 6/6]

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Draft destination rankings seem to be all the rage in the Victory Hockey League these days. One look at league-sponsored media, and you can see where Devin Sundberg, or Tyler Cote, or E’Twaun Delicious may look to be headed in the coming seasons. However, all of these rankings and speculator articles have one thing in common: They’re based off of feelings, and where the players think that they may be happy in the future.


Hans Wingate is not a pansy who relies on emotions. Wingate is a man of hard, cold practicality — the type of player that would make Bill Belichick cry out in ecstasy. When Wingate looks at his future, he doesn’t even look at the VHL, as there are simply too many variables to determine where he may end up. Instead, the level-headed monster decides to look at the VHLM, particularly the S42 VHLM Draft, to pontificate about his future.


With draft-eligible goalies such as Callum Sinclair and Jax Barnstomer a near lock to be moving up a level next season, and with Blake Campbell just about neck-and-neck with Wingate in practice hours but with the added risk of being called up to the majors, it’s quite likely that Wingate will be selected with a lottery draft selection. That means that, barring trades, the first four of Ottawa, Bern, Oslo and Minot may all have a shot at him.


Wingate will not have his choice of team; that will be selected for him in the draft. But if he did have his choice, what would be the rundown? Here it goes.



4.  Ottawa Lynx


The team with the first overall pick comes last? While that may be the case, there are a number of complicating factors in play. Currently, the team does not have a general manager, and while the league is expected to appoint one before the draft, that type of instability worries Wingate. Also, there is the question of potential talent, as Ottawa only stands to have two of the first 15 picks of the draft (No. 1 and No. 11) to add to a roster that is almost bare and gained just nine points last season. Few extra S43 draft picks means less room to maneuver as well. The biggest reason for Wingate, though, may be the chance to build something new. Ottawa, Bratislava and Yukon have combined for every single VHLM championship in the past ten seasons. Wingate wants to spread the love and give another side a shot at glory.



3. Oslo Storm


Perhaps I was wrong; maybe Hans Wingate does have a tiny bit sentimentality left in him. The only other hockey player from the Warren agency, former VHLM defenseman Karsten Olsen, was a star for the Oslo Storm, playing on the first line that sent the team to its most recent championship (and the last title not won by Bratislava, Ottawa or Yukon) in Season 32. In fact, the Warren agency even controlled the team for a while, taking the helm for a rebuilding effort in Seasons 33 and 34. When it comes to immediate winning prospects, though, Oslo leaves much to be desired. The draft pick required to select Wingate would be its only selection in the first two rounds, and there are no defensemen of any worth currently on the roster. As constituted, it would be tough for Wingate to win here, and nostalgia would be the only reason to go.



2. Minot Gladiators


In terms of current roster construction, it would be hard to beat the current Minot team. While Blake Campbell will be draft-eligible once again as a waiver signee, the core of the team, including Paul Ready, Cap’n Crunch and Jacques Grand, will return once again. Added to that mix will be three of the top 14 selections in the VHLM draft, as Minot will also receive the eighth overall selection from Turku in addition to its own third and 14th overall picks. All told, especially with Saskatoon and Yukon seeing a number of defections to the VHL, Minot could be the frontrunner in the North American Conference with a solid goalie next season. But does the franchise already believe it has that solid goalie? Minot already has David Blind currently on the roster, and although Wingate would indeed be an upgrade, the team may find larger upgrades elsewhere on the roster.



1. Bern Royals


The cupboard may be bare in Bern – Atticus Finch is the only player of any note expected to make a return next season – but the pieces are in place for sustained success. In addition to the second overall selection in the draft, Bern will also feature the No. 9/10, No. 12, No. 13, and No. 18 picks in the draft. Bern also has five draft picks in the first two rounds of the S43 draft, which can provide excellent ammo if the team decides to make a run. Only two other European Conference teams have a top 15 draft pick (Oslo at No. 4, Moscow at No. 5 and 15), and no other returning goalie in the conference is expected to be above Moscow’s Coca Cola at 110 practice hours. Couple all of this with an active general manager, and the time is ripe for Bern to make its first championship run since way back in Season 20, the second-longest winless streak for any VHLM team. The only question is whether Wingate will have the chance to be a part.

Edited by CowboyinAmerica
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Content: 3/3 - A nice little breakdown of teams of the VHLM. Over 900 words, definitely more than enough.

Grammar: 2/2 - Nothing much to note, and nothing deductible.


"have a tiny bit sentimentality" - tiny bit OF sentimentality.

"three of the top 14 selections in the VHLM draft, as Minot will also receive the eighth overall selection from Turku in addition to its own third and 14th overall picks" - just seems a little odd that you write out of some of the numbers as words, but not others.

"David Blind currently on the roster, and although Wingate would indeed be an upgrade, the team may find larger upgrades elsewhere on the roster." - I don't think you need to say 'on the roster' twice in that sentence. Kind of makes it run-on.

Appearance: 1/1 - Looks good and official.


Overall: 6/6


Good luck in the draft!

Edited by DollarAndADream
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