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The Stockholm Vikings have almost clinched a playoff spot, with Davos' elimination number at two after tonight's games. It's likely that the Vikings will have the worst record out of the six teams reaching the post-season, but it would be unwise to label them as the worst of the playoff teams. For one, it should be noted that the Stockholm Vikings are a better hockey team than the New York Americans.


The Americans worse than the Vikings? No way! After doing extensive research on the matter, I have concluded that yes, New York is worse than Stockholm. Here are some things worth noting:


-the Vikings have won two straight games against the Americans despite New York finally unleashing their secret weapon in net, NYA G

-the Vikings have Lloyd Light

-the Vikings listen to Chip Skylark's "My Shiny Teeth and Me" as a team before every game while brushing their teeth


Those three pieces of info are really all that one needs to look at to realize that Stockholm is a team primed for a strong post-season. Rest assured, it isn't just New York that is worse than these guys: the Vikings were 6-2 against the Cologne Trains this season, who always made sure they had their best players on the ice every time the two teams met.

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