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Claimed:Sunday [Final 6/6]


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I checked my calendar today and to my surprise it’s Sunday. The week just blew by me, even though there has been some shit that needed to be dealt with. Alright the topic of my PT is Sunday. Some sing songs about this day from Sunday bloody Sunday to just a normal Sunday morning. If you ask anybody that has watched football movies knows that anything can happen on “any given Sunday”.  It’s also the day where the WWE shows their PPVs. Now you might wonder what does Sunday have to do with the VHL and the life of a VHLer or currently still VHLMer? Well for many not much, but for this one it’s not just a day, it’s a day filled with work. From checking to see if I did the PT already, to scrambling to come up with a topic that doesn’t involve prank calling Victor at 3 AM over and over again. (I tried, it’s not fun, he’s a big meanie. But please don’t tell him or he’ll ban me.) Now imagine having to do all of this in your second language and you’re pretty much fucked. Not to mention I HAVE to stand out of the crowd, I’m sick of all the cookie cutter articles I used to write over in the it shall not be named league. Thomas Duddy always has been the poster child for the ultimate good guy. But this person is no more, it died the minute I retired from the other place. The day I took of my jersey and stepped out on the ice to say goodbye to the thousands of loyal fans. But anyway that’s not the topic of this PT, this PT was more about the fact that it really is hard to write one. At least for me it is.


Now Sunday night holds so many options for a young and upcoming VHLer. But here I am sitting and writing this while watching TV.  Sunday is not only a day for me to write PTs and the other thing we have to write to get TPE, it’s also a day for reflection. To think about what the week had to offer. Reflecting on the people you met and the things you did. Was walking past that burning nursery home the right choice or should you have helped? Did you really have to cheat on your girlfriend? If your answer to both is yes, than your priorities are a little screwed. I’m starting to wonder if I even get TPE for this PT, but the truth is this is probably the “realest” thing that you can write. It touched base with the life of a VHLer and in the end I am Thomas Duddy, because my first name is Thomas and my nickname is Duddy. So I score at least 2 realness points right from the start. It’s Sunday night and I currently watch TV while writing this, so 2 more TPE for me. I’d also like to say fuck you to the damn team that eliminated the Lynx from the playoffs, I hope you get steamrolled in the next round.

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Content: 3/3 - Didn't drag on, it was interesting, and it was appealing. That's what the criteria asks for!

Grammar: 2/2 -


"If you ask anybody that has watched football movies knows that anything can happen on “any given Sunday”." - that has watched football movies, they know that anything can happen

"The day I took of my jersey" - off

Appearance: 1/1 - Looks good!

Overall: 6/6

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