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Bunch of non-sense rambles

Da Trifecta

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"Seattle isn't really that good of a team."

"Helsinki made out like bandits in their trade of Faraday"

"Quebec City is the best team in the North American Conference"

"Davos has the best defense this season"

"Hans Win(god) is going to be the next best goaltender"

"This game was rigged"

"Why did you change it from allowing us to post (W)ictor (minus the parenthesis) and make it become Victor"

"Why didn't I make the HoF"

"You keep talking but never want to come catch this fade"

"The team locker rooms should be at the top"

"I am the next best thing in the VHL"

"Burn in hell commie scum"

"I wonder what it's like to not play in Riga"




These are just a bunch of ramblings around site from a few various members. Some may be true and others may just be thoughts of the players. Of course those of us know who say what and will probably not say something because let's face it, no one reads my fan 590's anymore.

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