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Claimed:Stabby Traded - The VHLM Turned Upside Down [Final 6/6]

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The VHLM Turned Upside-Down
by Dick Shivers



               At some point late last night, Stabby McFullO’Schmidt was traded from the Bratislava Watchmen to the Brampton Blades.


               “I have no idea what happened,” Stabby explained. “I was drinking, having a good time and celebrating the Watchmen win when I woke up in the Brampton Locker Room!” Stabby McFullO’Schmidt is currently unaware of the details of the deal, and this reporter cannot find any evidence of it on the VHLM website. Stabby took some time to explain how slighted he feels about how the decision was handled and his views on his time in Bratislava.



Little did he know, this would be the last time Stabby would be on the ice for the Bratislava Watchmen.


               “I understand how the league works, and that you have to do what is best for your team, but a quick phone call would have definitely been appreciated (from the new GM). I mean . . . I fought hard to get back on the ice and I feel like I have been improving, and the stats are there to prove it. Just feels like I got the short end of the stick from the team I came back to play for.”


               Stabby was quick to note that there’s no hard feelings between him and the rest of his teammates on the Watchmen roster, especially after the support they gave him after coming back from a near career ending coma and taking the ice within a matter of weeks.


               “Yeah, the guys, they have been great to me . . . I think I am going to miss playing with Chuck Goody the most. He has always been my biggest supporter and has really helped me bring my game to the next level. I wish all of them all the best of luck, but if we meet in the Cup finals, they are going to regret the decision to get rid of Stabby McFullO’Schmidt.”



This video of Stabby is the best evidence we have as to why they will regret it. 


               Stabby came alive for the Bratislava Watchmen this season, with 4 goals, 13 assists and 17 points in 32 games. His physical play has even gone up from the ungodly levels that we are used to seeing from the American blue-liner; with 72 hits and 28 penalty minutes to his name. All of this did not come from deficiencies in his own end, however, as Stabby has a +32 rating this season. Stabby has also taken on heavy ice time for the Watchmen, averaging 25:32 minutes per game and playing strong minutes on both the Power Play and the Penalty Kill.



Stabby Celebrating His First Goal as a member of the Brampton Blades


               “I have really enjoyed the short time I have spent in Brampton so far. It is nice to be closer to home . . . and the guys are really supportive and encouraging. I do not know what the motivation was for sending me here, but I think I will be glad in the end that I got the chance to play for this roster and help their cup run this year.”


               In closing, Stabby had this to say to the Watchmen.


               “I kind of understand why you did not run this by me before it happened . . . I was not given my nickname for nothing.” 



#69 STABBY McFullO'Schmidt



Word Count - Roughly 500


EDIT: We have located the trade. Stabby was part of a package deal for Travis Wilcox. Details below:



Edited by John Scott
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