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Claimed:Zeptenbergs is on fire! [Final 6/6]

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As you can see, Ottawa Lynx attacker Benjamin Zeptenbergs still can not advance in to the Legion roster. Well, it's ok. He said earlier that he wants to help the Lynx to get a Cup. And at this moment he is doing good job. You don't believe?


Benjamin Zeptenbergs - 38 games; 29 goals; 31 assists; 60 points


Now you will. He is the point leader on the Lynx. He has posted 222 shots to the opponents net - nobody from Lynx did better, even Duddy. Also, he is a league leader by game tying goals - at this moment he has 4. But what's more important - he has 19 game point scoring streak! That's impressive for a guy who likes doing nothing. But is he ready for the Toronto Legion team? Maybe. He would be good depth player, but I doubt that he will be a star. Mediocre player at most. But now he is on fire!


And now - a little interview with Benjamin.






Hello, Zetter...umm, Benjamin!


Hello. Are you another guy who thinks that I am Zetterberg's brother?


No, It's just Ed Grr in S42 VHL draft. (If ya'll didn't understand - here is the explanation)


Ok, I got you.


So, you are now a point leader in the Lynx. Are you satisfied with your performance?


I will be satisfied if Lynx would get VHLM Cup. But yeah, it's nice to see me at the top. This probably is my last VHLM season, so I am trying hard to help Ottawa.


Back in S41 you were claimed by Minot but the first team that tried was Ottawa. But they finally got you in the S42 draft.


I guess yes. Before VHLM draft, Lynx ex-GM Frank PMed me about draft. And I said that I don't give a damn where I'll play after draft. So Lynx drafted me. So yeah, welcome back to the Ottawa, B.Z.!


What about your plans for S44? Your expectations?


I guess, I am going to the Toronto after this season. Maybe I have a chance to be a depth player, so don't wait from me something big. I'd be happy if I'll get 20-25 point in next season. Some people are saying that I'll stay in VHLM again. Yes there is some chance, but I am afraid that I will be bored, that's why I am going hard in this season.


Ottawa is a strong team, but you have a problems with goaltending.


Yeah, it's the only reason why we are second in conference. I said once I said it twice to Holy that he needs to get his shit toghether. But he is not skilled enough to make some big stuff. I hope our attack will produce more, than now.


Ok, that's it for now. Thanks for an interview and good luck in the future.


Thank you!




Good luck to Benjamin, maybe he has some chance to do good things here in VHL.

Edited by Flocka -_-
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Content: 3/3 - Very nice interview. I hope you can win that Founder's Cup.

Grammar: 1.5/2 - Lots of little things here, most of which are the same kind of mistakes.


"help the Lynx to get a Cup. And at this moment" - to get a Cup, and at this moment....

"he has 19 game point scoring streak!" - he has a 19 game point scoring streak!

"He would be good depth player' - a good depth player
"if Lynx" - if the Lynx

"would get VHLM Cup" the VHLM Cup

"about draft" - about the draft (Missing 'the' or 'a' happens multiple times in the article. Watch for that)

"toghether" - together

Appearance: 1/1 - Good stuff.

Overall: 5.5/6

Edited by DollarAndADream
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Content: 3/3- Good job hope you guys win. I was a Lynx last season. 


Grammar: 1.5- DaD is correct with the mistakes. Please make sure u re-read them before posting them or getting a friend/teammate to proof read them for you. 


Appearance: 1/1


Final 5.5/6


Overall Final: 6/6

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