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Claimed:Koponen [Final:5/6]


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Effort 2/2: You've improved a lot since you started doing GFX.

Look 2.5/3: I'd try and work on the complexity of your sigs. Adding stocks as elements as opposed to light sources. I really like what you have here but I feel like it needs a bit of adjustment. The colours are a bit vibrant too. A dark grey layer on gradient can help adjust that. Or messing the colour balance scale.  


Creativity 1/1: Keep doing what you're doing. 

Overall 5.5/6

Edited by Frank
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Effort:2/2 I can see it.

Looks:2.25/3 the lighting needs major improvement. And like frank said instead of using stocks as lighting sources use them to improve the look of the sig to help with the bg as well as blending in the render. The text could also use improvement.

Creativity:1/1 yes


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