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Word on the Street, ep. 4


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Good stuff, had a good amount of interest in this considering my recent media series on the upcoming World Cup.


One of the things Team Merc will have that should help them for this tournament and the next two after is they'll have access to really good goalies. This tournament they'll be able to take two from the USA (Who have Mikaelson, Sinclair, Waldron and Campbell). When Waldron retires, they can still use one of them and then have the spare goalie from Western Europe (Out of Wingate and the two Cleganes). 


I'm thinking Team World's probably in good position to get 4th again. We've got some real good forwards on the roster, specifically Karnage, 3 Moons and Boychuk, but we've got a mostly inactive defensive unit (Only active is Komarov, although at least all our inactives would be 300+ TPE) and our goalie isn't one of the best(Okranitz), but he started last tournament and has improved significantly since then. Good thing for the future is that Smarch made a goalie for Team World, could even maybe start this coming tournament.


I did think maybe there would be a possible realignment of the tournament when I first started writing them, but that was mainly cause the constraints of Western Europe at the time limited them to three defensemen. Couldn't think of a good way around it since giving them even Russia just gave Team World the same problem, but luckily Phil's new defenseman resolved it.


I've pretty much already got the Eligible Player list sorted, you're the league's stats guy, we should totally tag-team this WC Commish shit!

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Does each team take a backup goalie as well? I guess since I wasn't paying enough attention at the time of the last two, I don't know if we did it differently with the Mercenaries being there, but in the past teams would always pick two if they could.

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Does each team take a backup goalie as well? I guess since I wasn't paying enough attention at the time of the last two, I don't know if we did it differently with the Mercenaries being there, but in the past teams would always pick two if they could.

I don't think there's any rules requiring you to take a backup (Western Europe didn't take one last tournament) but the rest of the teams took a backup in S40. 

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