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Claimed:Jaime the Wrangler[final:5]


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Effort: 2/2 - Yes.

Look: 2.25/3 - The background looks solid, although it's overly dark and undercontrasted in places. The red stock is too prevalent, and the lighting's off as well. Lighting look better if you just use a light soft brush to brush a bit over the render's head rather than darkening the sig and erasing it on the render. Also, try blending your text in a little bit and going simpler on your fonts. You can improve text blending by putting some subtle stock layers over the text layer.

Creativity: 1/1 - Yep.

Overall: 5.25/6

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Effort:2/2 yep

Looks:2.5/3 This is not a bad sig really.  but the sig is dark and i agree with damien you should also use soft light rather then what youve done with your lighting. Keep up the work!

Creativity:1/1 mhm



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