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Too fast


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I have been working insanely hard for the last few months and because of that , my skating is now at 85. I might be the fastest Finnish hockey player out there , perhaps fastest in the whole world.  Some of you might think , so what ? Speed is not the only thing you need in hockey.


Well let me paint a picture for you. You see that someone dumps the puck in your end. You start skating as fast as you can towards your own to pick it up but all of a sudden you notice that somebody beat you to it. Its not your own team mate , its a enemy player.  That someone will be me. You cant stop me. When i get my wheels rolling i will not stop. To make things even worse for you , i might start working on my checking next. 


Can you imagine me skating full speed and just hitting everything that moves? That is going to be great to watch. I come and go, you have no idea what hits you.

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Don't really see the picture here pls draw

That is the problem , my hands are also super fast. Quite hard to just sit down and draw something when my hands are so hard to control. 


Let's see how fast you are with one kneecap!

With my size and speed , i will take your leg with me if you try to knee me  :(

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