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VHL Season Forty-Five VHL Entry Draft



When the VHL season began, the draft was not in the minds of anybody involved in the league, but with the trade deadline week upon us, many teams will now be focusing on shaping the roster for next season. The draft class shaped up to be one of the better classes' in recent history, with a focus on the defensive side of the game with eighteen defenseman and goaltenders draft eligible this season. Today we'll look at the upcoming draft and try to give some insight to where players may fall.


Phil Hamilton




Unless something major changes it's looking more and more like defenseman Phil Hamilton will be the number on pick. The English native from the Knight Agency, Hamilton is a great young defenseman with almost 230 practise hours at the time of this article. A franchise cornerstone, Hamilton is a very balanced blue-liner at this point, but will grow into a top line defenseman possibly in time for his first VHL season. Hamilton will be a safe pick for whoever is lucky enough to hold the first pick this season.


Greg Clegane




The best goal-tending prospect since Lennon Moher, Clegane could challenge Hamilton for the number one pick this season. Depending on team need and the way the draft lottery plays out will really determine which order Clegane is picked. Clegane is a great goal-tending prospect that will comes from one of the most successful VHL agencies ever, which will come with a ton of pressure. Clegane appears ready for the VHL next season, so the team that is drafting him will have to keep that in mind when thinking of the elder Clegane. Clegane is showing his worth currently with the Yukon Rush, pushing way ahead of the other goal-tending prospects in the draft with this seasons performance. Wherever he goes the franchise that selects Greg won't have any goal-tending for years to come.


Biggu Kyanon




The other name in the big three of the season forty-five draft class, Kyanon could be the number one pick in any draft, but might find himself selected as low as third this off-season. Kyanon has been a rock on the blue-line since entering the VHLM with the Brampton Blades and now the Saskatoon Wild, and will be another draftee that will only spend one season in the VHLM. Kyanon is fighting with Hamilton for top spot amongst defenseman currently sitting only eighteen practise hours behind Hamilton. With Kyanon also coming from a very respective player agency, VHL General Mangers will have a tough time when it comes to choosing between the top defenseman in the draft.


Evgeny Nezhmetdinov




With a draft class that currently has four defenseman and four goaltenders in top ten of the most recent scouting rankings, Evgeny Nezhmetdinov might be the biggest wild card on the board. While he might not have the practise hours of many other top ten, Nezhmetdinov might find his name being called sooner than he thinks. With the lack of forwards and Nezhmetdinovs constant progress, he might not be flying under the radar anymore. Will have to wait until draft day to see where the young winger from Kazakhstan will end up, but if he continues on his current path good things are bound to happen.  

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Content 3/3 - Nice little preview of the draft prospects that are soon to be coming into the league. I'm not sure how the draft is going to eventually play out, but this is a nice little bio that allows us to get the information the we need to see though. Nice article! hopefully the trade deadline is not going to be as boring as you claim!


Grammar 2/2 - Not much to really complain about. Good stuff.


classes' -> classes
number on pick -> number one pick
goal-tending -> goaltending
Will have to -> We'll have to
Appearance 1/1 - I see lots of nice things!
Finaly 6/6
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